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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Despite not being there or contacting them for over seven years I've had three texts this week from my doctor's surgery telling me they're short-staffed and not to contact them I suppose I could cut out the middleman and just die
  2. Redout (PS4, 2016) A redout occurs when the body experiences a negative g-force sufficient to cause a blood flow from the lower parts of the body to the head. It is the inverse effect of a greyout, where blood flows away from the head to the lower parts of the body. Usually, a redout will only ever be experienced by pilots, as planes are the most common devices that allow such negative g-forces to be exerted. Redouts are potentially dangerous and can cause retinal damage and hemorrhagic stroke. I'm glad I looked this up on Wikipedia, because I didn't know that. Redout is also a video game where you race anti-gravity ships round vast, sweeping tracks in exotic, futuristic locations. It's not WipEout so you don't have weapons, or as much detail in any of the graphics, but you have a range of upgradeable ships with different handling characteristics, a range of game modes and eventually you'll regularly exceed speeds of 1,000 miles per hour. There's really only two things to judge Redout on - how it plays and how it looks. Unlike various WipEouts or other similar futuristic racers, you really need to use both sticks to properly control your ship. Left stick is steering but with the right stick you can strafe and control the pitch of your craft. If you're going into a loop or over a crest you'll need to lift your ship's nose otherwise it will scrape along the ground, slowing you down and causing damage. The result is a cornering style which relies more on anticipation than anything else. It's a bit strange to get used to at first, but as you work your way up through faster ship classes you should be familiar enough when it really becomes necessary. The career mode in Redout is huge. In the base game there are five different locations with multiple tracks in each. There are even more game modes - race, race without powerups, time trial, speed, tournaments, "Boss" which combines every track in a single location for a massive lap, and others. If you just work your way through all of them it will take you a long time and you'll never be bored. The best tactic to win races is often to jump into an early lead and just focus on flying as smoothly as possible, but the sheer volume of events and tracks means there's always variety. As you win races and earn money you can buy and upgrade the different ships, and add two powerups at a time which affect your ship's handling. You'll add Magnetic Stabilisers which make the biggest difference to your handling, but the active powerup which you have to activate contextually offers a bit more strategy. I mostly stuck to the starting team's ships and had little problem winning the career events, but the variety is there if you want it. One other thing to mention about the AI is that the collision physics aren't very good. By that I mean if you're flying and someone touches you, you're going to get spun out and come to a complete stop almost instantly. Restarting a race is easy enough but it's still frustrating playing a racing game where you have to actively avoid the things you're racing against. There are three difficulty settings you can switch between to try and avoid this, but that's never a satisfying way to win. Like WipEout, there's a decent bit of lore you can find if you go looking. It's some time in the 2550s. Earth isn't doing very well and people live on Mars, or the moons of Jupiter, and Earth is mostly a playground for this anti-gravity racing, which itself is a byproduct of the research and technology that took humanity into the solar system. The tracks go through spectacular locations like Cairo, space, what's left of Italy, and there are three DLC packs (each costing what the base game cost me, I don't know how that works) which add even more. If you go through the menus you can find quite a bit of information about how the racing developed and the teams and the tracks and I love that stuff, it's all very interesting. Sadly, also like WipEout, not enough is made of this lore. When I played the Omega Collection a few years ago I remember lamenting that WipEout games have always been just... interesting. The teams, the tracks, the drivers, the world that the racing takes place in. Yet it's all just sort of there, and you feel like you actively have to work to feel involved in it. Redout is very similar, only if anything there's less detail. The circuits are complex and varied to race on, but the surrounding environments look quite cartoony compared to the ships and tracks themselves. I'm not expecting photo-realism from a small game made by a small developer, but the environments should be more than they are. If I'm flying through a volcano or going between land and underwater on a space moon, I should be more impressed. It's just that outside of the racing there's little to properly immerse you in a world which is unquestionably very interesting. It feels like a missed opportunity to me. I had hesitated about buying Redout for a while. I decided to just go for it in a recent sale and was surprised by how much there was, and how much I enjoyed it. From what I gather the sequel is more and better, so I'll get around to that eventually. Give it a try if you can.
  3. 30 The cold seemed like a reason to me, but I'm not sure why. I've had them in the summer before too, once, I think, a while ago.
  4. I've started getting blood in my left nostril when I wake up. It doesn't happen every morning, but it's been more frequent over the past week or two. One bit of tissue up there for a few seconds and it's fine. Yesterday in work I had a full on nosebleed for a few minutes, I kept stuffing and it kept leaking. Am I dying?
  5. Someone on here said if they were on that Virgin Atlantic plane they'd jump off. I get it.
  6. I am a fan of an NHL team which has historically been extremely uncommunicative with the media about player injuries. We have a player out right now listed as "undisclosed" and it's probably something comparable to the link I'm going to share, but we can't say (and I certainly wouldn't want it to be). A few seasons ago we had a guy get injured and then disappear - no mention of by the team, no questions by a small and terrible media, nothing. Over a year after his last game, this article appeared: The Things You Can’t See (theplayerstribune.com)
  7. ^^^ raging that the Byres Road Savvy Set have upped sticks and left him behind
  8. I don't think oaksoft could help it but it had reached the point where he was absolutely ruining threads.
  9. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (PS4, 2017 - originally PS2, 2001) The last time I played the Jak & Daxter games I waited until I had finished all three before writing them up. I vaguely remember the result feeling condensed, not doing justice to the games or my thoughts on them. On reflection, after finishing the first one and writing this, I don't have a lot to say, but the game has such a special place in my heart I almost feel obligated. Remember when 3D games were new and exciting? Remember when you only had one camera control scheme and it was completely contrary to what would become the de facto rotation angle twenty years later, making your favourite games of yesteryear a confusingly awkward revisit? Remember when open world games were relatively new, and the notion of seamless travel between levels rather than a hub-world or menu screen felt somehow huge and momentous? Remember when every new game you played seemed to have an anthropomorphic talking mascot? Step forward Jak and Daxter, a mute lad with yellow hair and his best friend who falls into a big pool of Dark Eco and gets turned into an Ottsel, basically a giant orange rat that's a cross between an otter and a weasel. You set out to find Gol and Maia, Sages of the Dark Eco, to turn him back. I just love this game. Every part of it. The sounds, the characters, the music, the classic platforming and puzzle sections. The two buttons for attacks, the contextual coloured eco you pick up to move faster, attack harder or do ranged attacks. Part of me is surprised that twenty years later I can hear as many sounds and recall as many positive memories from this game as I can, but they're all there. I feel as if the PS4 version of this isn't as graphically slick as the PS3 version, but you'll probably be too busy fighting with the camera to notice. Actually it can be really quite annoying when you're trying to jump from ledge to ledge, or on a moving platform, and you don't move the camera where you think it's going to go, but it's so quick to recover from these you never resent it. Actually if you're trying to attack multiple enemies at once it's even more annoying because the hitboxes don't always end where you think and you only technically have four bits of health you can lose before you have to die and respawn, but you just need to stop being bad at games and start being good. As one of the PS2's flagship franchises, I think Jak & Daxter always worked because of its characterisation. Daxter is a wacky sidekick who always has a smart response to something, but he's never annoying or childish. He's not mature or adult, he's just... reasonable. And a bit loud. And orange and furry. Considering I'm writing this at a time when the latest God of War timesink is stupefying people, it's worth remembering that engaging, likeable characters can be brief. They show up, their motives are explained, you're left to it. There's enough charm about the world that you just end up naturally liking everyone in it, and wanting to follow the story to resolve everything. I'm not going to spend too long dwelling on details like the characters or story - as much as I like all of it, I'd always like to see more - but playing an action adventure platformer from the glory days of the PS2 just makes you feel like games like this don't exist now. Just something complete and self-contained. It's a game you can reasonably complete in about two days yet it doesn't feel short, or shallow. The combat is good and varied enough to keep you interested. The platforming works far better than it should given the camera. There are vehicle sections to break it up and add something different. You go through a range of environments and tasks which are brief enough to complete fully at once, but they come quickly enough that you never linger. I like being able to play a game where I feel as if I can see all of it and experience all of it, and the Precursor Legacy is certainly one of those. I get to comprehensively complete a game I love and relive a time when I was young and happy because I had nothing else to care about. Isn't that why we still play games?
  10. Never mind that, new Dead Pool thread day and I couldn't get on. I'm bad enough as it is.
  11. She's not out of Hollyoaks Jeremy, she probably had a ration book!
  12. I changed some, I'm not sure why I didn't just CTRL+F 2022
  13. Here is a link to the spreadsheet of everyone's picks/scores Here is a link to Aim Here's much better spreadsheet which is made properly and is always accurate and has more interesting insights and stats
  14. The following spoiler contains a plain text list of everyone's picks. It's quite large so be warned if you open it.
  15. DEAD POOL HALL OF FAME 2014 Champion - Mo Wonderboy (319) 2015 Champion - Njord (649) 2016 Champion - Mr Bairn (632) 2017 Champion - DBA (498) 2018 Champion - Fuctifano (523) 2019 Champion - alta-pete (760) 2020 Champion - Bishop Briggs (520) 2021 Champion - Ned Nederlander (713) 2022 Champion - JustOneCornetto (766)
  16. UPDATES Week 1 update (08/01/23) Week 2 update (15/01/23) Week 3 update (22/01/23) Week 4 update (29/01/23) Week 5 update (05/02/23) Week 6 update (12/02/23) Week 7 update (19/02/23) Week 8 update (26/02/23) Week 9 update (05/03/23) Week 10 update (12/03/23) Week 11 update (19/03/23) Week 12 update (26/03/23) Week 13 update (02/04/23) Week 14 update (09/04/23) Week 15 update (16/04/23) Week 16 update (23/04/23) Week 17 update (30/04/23) Week 18 update (07/05/23) Week 19 update (14/05/23) Week 20 update (21/05/23) Week 21 updates (28/05/23) Week 22 update (04/06/23) Week 23 update (11/06/23) Week 24 update (18/06/23) Week 25 update (25/06/23) Week 26 update (02/07/23) Week 27 update (09/07/23) Week 28 update (16/07/23) Week 29 update (23/07/23) Week 30 update (30/07/23) Week 31 update (06/08/23) Week 32 update (13/08/23) Week 33 update (20/08/23) Week 34 update (27/08/23) Week 35 update (03/09/23) Week 36 update (10/09/23) Week 37 update (17/09/23) Week 38 update (24/09/23) Week 39 update (01/10/23) Week 40 update (08/10/23) Week 41 update (15/10/23) Week 42 update (22/10/23) Week 43 update (29/10/23) Week 44 update (05/11/23) Week 45 update (12/11/23) Week 46 update (19/11/23) Week 47 update (26/11/23) Week 48 update (03/12/23) Week 49 update (10/12/23) Week 50 update (17/12/23) Week 51 update (24/12/23) Week 52 update (31/12/23)
  17. FINAL STANDINGS (03/01/24) 1. Aim Here 458 2. psv_killie 436 3. cdhafc1874 422 4. sparky88 415 5. JustOneCornetto 405 6. Arbroathlegend36-0 402 7. gkneil 369 8. Desp 324 9. Karpaty Lviv 300 10. Ned Nederlander 299 11. Miguel Sanchez 297 12. Michael W, Scorge 295 14. Mark Connolly, peasy23 288 16. throbber 287 17. Bert Raccoon 282 18. chomp my root 271 19. Arabdownunder 267 20. microdave 265 21. ThomCat 264 22. weirdcal 263 23. qos_75 260 24. Chris Partlow 254 25. HK Hibee 249 26. The_Craig 247 27. sophia 246 28. LoonsYouthTeam 245 29. lolls, The Naitch 240 31. Christophe, kilMARKnock 237 33. The DA 235 34. Frosty 233 35. Indale Winton 232 36. Ludo*1 227 37. buddiepaul, HI HAT 226 39. Billy Jean King 225 40. ICTJohnboy 220 41. amnarab, TxRover 219 43. pub car king 217 44. thistledo 215 45. mozam76 200 46. alta-pete 199 47. djchapsticks, Enigma 197 49. DG.Roma 193 50. Bully Wee Villa 192 51. Arch Stanton 186 52. Donathan, sleazy, Sweaty Morph 179 55. Melanius Mullarkay, Shotgun 170 57. Savage Henry 169 58. dee_62, statts1976uk 167 60. D.V.T. 166 61. Fuctifano 164 62. ParsJake 160 63. willie adie 159 64. Oystercatcher 157 65. HTG 154 66. BillyAnchor, paulathame 153 68. German Jag 148 69. dagane 147 70. get_the_subbies_on 138 71. blackislekillie 134 72. pawpar 126 73. nessies long lost ghost 124 74. Priti priti priti Patel 122 75. atfccfc, btb, Ray Patterson 121 78. Moomintroll 118 79. doulikefish, stanton, tamthebam, The Master 111 83. Dunning1874 105 84. DeeTillEhDeh 101 85. ayrunitedfw, Lofarl, San Starko 99 88. weemac 97 89. lichtgilphead 96 90. Lex 93 91. mizfit, Suspect Device 92 93. 101 90 94. The Hologram 87 95. El Guapo 85 96. Jimmy Baker, senorsoupe 71 98. choirbairn 70 199. superwell87 69 100. mathematics 62 101. Bazz891, expatowner, invergowrie arab, Les Cabbage 60 105. superbigal 58 106. Empty It 48 107. Duszek, Oceanlineayr, Salvo Montalbano, Shipa 39 111. 10menwent2mow, parxyz, scottsdad 32 114. Derry Alli 31 115. HibsFan, PWL 29 117. ZERO POINTERS - @Bold Rover, @Curmudgeon, @Eednud, @gingette, @Helpma, @Polarbear, @Raven, @Richey Edwards, @rowsdower, @Sergeant Wilson, @shivute, @thisal
  18. - Qatar World Cup 2022 Chief Executive, Nasser Al Khater on the death of a migrant worker during his country's ill-gotten tournament ==================== I'm going to guess a P&B Dead Pool has never started while there's a World Cup on. Still, what better way to enjoy the greatest show on earth as oiled by the bodies of some of the poorest people in the world so you can enjoy England getting papped out while wrapping your presents? If you're new to the Dead Pool, it's quite simple. You pick fifteen celebrities you think will die over the course of the coming year (2023). If any of them die, you get points. Whoever gets the most points by the end of the year wins, everyone else is furious at their choices and over-compensates by putting a bunch of oldies in the next year's team and they barely score anything. If you still fancy getting some enjoyment out of people dying, here's what you need to know. Rule changes/updates are in bold: RULES To enter, you must be registered on Pie & Bovril before this thread was posted. To enter, send me a private message containing the names of 15 celebrities you think will die in 2023. To make it as easy as possible for me and limit the possibility of mistakes, please try to spell their names correctly. If they use alternate names, please make a note of this. Reasons for a person's fame are welcome for clarification. ADDITIONAL FOR 2023 - You don't have to send me a new message this year. I will always reply to ensure an entry has been registered, so if I've posted in here that I'm up to date and you haven't had anything, get in touch. For the purposes of eligibility, your PM must be sent to me by 00:00 GMT, January 1, 2023. The game will officially end on 00:00 GMT, January 1, 2024. Despite this, if someone dies in a different time zone, the local time and date will be considered instead. In order to be eligible upon death, your entrants must receive an obituary in a UK-based online national news source. ADDITIONAL FOR 2023: those are defined as the following: NEWSPAPERS: Daily Telegraph, The Times, Financial Times, The Guardian, i/The Independent, Daily Mail, Daily Express, The Sun, Daily Mirror, Daily Star, Metro, The Herald, The Scotsman, The National, Daily Record TELEVISION: BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, Sky News A celebrity death must be noted by the websites of these outlets for it to count. It must be a main featured article about the death, not a passing mention. These are the only sources I will accept for a pick to be confirmed. I know there are four Scottish sources there but it's a Scottish website, so I'll allow it. The Lauren Hill Rule - American college sports personalities are not eligible. The Liz Taylor Rule - Is someone a celebrity if their child or spouse or relative is famous? Probably not. If their only claim to fame is a well-known relation, they don't count. The Abubakar Shekau Rule - If a pick's date of birth is unconfirmed or unavailable, their points will be calculated assuming their date of birth is the 1st of January of the latest year provided by relevant sources. The Terminal Rule - People who are famous specifically for being ill are not eligible. If you pick someone who I think contravenes this rule, I will talk to you about it. The World's Greatest Democracy Rule - People who are on death row or facing trial where the death penalty is a possible sentence are not eligible. Fugitives on the run are eligible. Your entrants must be human. Your entrants must be over the age of 18. Your entrants cannot be fictional characters. You are not allowed to kill any of your entrants yourself. If a P&B user is found to be responsible for the death of any of their entrants, they will be disqualified from this and all future Dead Pools. You are not allowed to select any P&B members. If, upon death, it emerges that a celebrity was a P&B poster, this is allowed. It is your responsibility to ensure all of your entrants are alive. Don't do what someone did last year and pick Jack Charlton AND Nobby Stiles (d.2020) If you pick someone who is already did, I will not tell you. It's funny. If you pick someone who dies in the final days of 2022 it is your responsibility to PM me with a replacement pick. I would suggest including a short list of back-up picks, just in case. Scores will be updated and posted, hopefully, every Sunday. SCORING Base Points: Each death is worth 125 points minus the person's age. So the younger your picks, the more points if they die. There are several multipliers available: First Blood - The first person to die in 2023 gets 25 extra points. Last Gasp - The last person to die in 2023 gets 25 extra points. Solo Shot - If you are the only person to pick someone who dies you get a bonus of 50 points. Deadly Duo - If only two people pick someone who dies you both get a bonus of 25 points. Captain Bonus - You can nominate a captain of your team who receives an extra set of Base Points added to their score. Inherent Vice - You can nominate a vice-captain of your team who receives an extra set of half Base Points (rounded up) added to their score. (If you do not nominate a Captain or Vice-captain, I will consider the first and second respective names on your list for these positions) Deadly December - If your pick dies in December, you get an extra set of Base Points in addition to any other bonuses. Unnatural Causes - If your pick is murdered, commits suicide or has an accident, you get 50 extra points. I think that's everything that needs to be said. Participation is always high and activity is always lively, so get involved and you might find a new hobby. An extremely weird hobby you'll probably never tell anyone else about, but still a fun hobby. With that in mind, all I have left to say is: GOOD LUCK!
  19. Week 50 update One death this week, drummer Jet Black: The Stranglers drummer Jet Black dies after ‘years of ill health’ aged 84 | The Stranglers | The Guardian I enjoyed this from his Wikipedia page: "His second wife, Helena, left him following several arguments over the Stranglers rehearsing in their home during the early days of the band." Let's have a listen: Oh, I know this. I don't know if I've ever heard any more of it than the intro. Black died at 84, so he's worth 41 Base Points for @Sergeant Wilson. He gets that doubled because it's Deadly December and he gets an extra 50 for a Solo Shot for a total of 132 points. As a result, the standings look like this: 1. Bishop Briggs 691 2. JustOneCornetto 680 3. Indale Winton 635 4. Ned Nederlander 571 5. chompmyroot 551 6. Arch Stanton, sparky88 518 8. Billy Jean King 460 9. Arabdownunder, gkneil 445 11. weirdcal 430 12. psv_killie 426 13. Moomintroll 416 14. mathematics 394 15. peasy23 391 16. The_Craig 388 17. buddiepaul 361 18. Fuctifano, Sweaty Morph 342 20. Sergeant Wilson 341 21. Savage Henry 338 22. thistledo 336 23. pawpar 327 24. The DA 321 25. pubcarking 315 26. cdhafc1874 305 27. Raidernation 291 28. Melanius Mullarkay 280 29. The Master 273 30. scottsdad, tamthebam 262 32. nessies long lost ghost 259 33. Arbroathlegend36-0 255 34. Blootoon87 253 35. lichtgilphead 237 36. Karpaty Lviv 235 37. microdave 228 38. 10menwent2mow 223 39. HI HAT 222 40. ICTJohnboy 221 41. senorsoupe 219 42. Desp 217 43. ayrunitedfw, The Naitch 213 45. ThomCat 208 46. Aim Here 205 47. Florentine_Pogen 202 48. gingette 199 49. jimbaxters 196 50. sleazy 194 51. Lofarl 176 52. paulathame 171 53. LoonsYouthTeam, thisal 160 55. qos_75 159 56. Mark Connolly 153 57. mozam76, The Hologram 146 59. Scorge 141 60. mizfit 136 61. sophia 131 62. Lex 125 63. willie adie 115 64. Hamish's Passenger, speckled tangerine 112 66. Les Cabbage 111 67. Miguel Sanchez 105 68. Bully Wee Villa 104 69. Glen Sannox 101 70. Oystercatcher 85 71. djchapsticks, Enigma 81 73. Ray Patterson 76 74. stanton 75 74. cambozpar 74 75. statts1976uk 68 76. D.V.T. 59 77. Aladdin, BillyAnchor, doulikefish, invergowrie arab, smpar, Soapy FFC 58 83. Cardinal Richelieu, get_the_subbies_on, RossBFaeDundee 52 86. HTG 48 87. Amarillo Bairn 44 88. Bert Raccoon 39 89. Curmudgeon 35 90. Bold Rover, Clockwork, dagane, Duszek, Hedgecutter, lolls, Stringer Bell 29 97. amnarab 27 98. Everyone else 0 ZERO POINTERS - @Cairn Terrier @dee_62 @DG.Roma @Eednud @expatowner @HibsFan @HK Hibee @ParsJake @Raven @Richey Edwards @superbigal @superwell87 @TxRover @wellinwigan The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mup1IJllKHs0a47J8G6IXUkvShJrV28Iuc-Kkn7RKuo/edit?usp=sharing
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