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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Someone in my work who left recently was a Thompson. Always insistent it was with a P. You can imagine how that went.
  2. I have worked with multiple Frasers younger than I am. I have also known a Canadian woman whose surname was Fraser who was annoyed when people pronounced it Fraser rather than Frasier.
  3. This ended up being the closest thing to a public safety risk
  4. (in before you comment about shite internet posts from people with Simpsons avatars)
  5. Well, don't go and read my posts in the last video game you played thread.
  6. I solved today's Redactle (#84) in 241 guesses with an accuracy of 56.02%. Played at https://www.redactle.com/ I think I meant to post this earlier but I was too ashamed
  7. After finishing the plot of God of War, and knowing that actually finishing everything else and earning the platinum will probably take three times as long, I'd like to offer the Zero Punctuation review as a prelude to my own: Abridged version: Game is arse in literally every way.
  8. How Nathan MacKinnon molded the Colorado Avalanche into Stanley Cup champions (espn.com) Get MacKinnon into Scottish football plz
  9. If we're doing Mueller tweet quotes I think I like this one best
  10. I solved today's Redactle (#83) in 15 guesses with an accuracy of 73.33%. Played at https://www.redactle.com/ This was a bit surreal as it seemed obvious as I was putting words in then just clicked.
  11. You going to the parade tomorrow Thursday ???? @BillyAnchor
  12. McNab has been a commentator on the TV coverage since the team moved to Colorado in 1995. He had cancer last year and had chemo that got rid of it last summer. I don't think I've ever seen someone look as proud of other people as he does in this clip.
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