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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. I solved today's Redactle (#67) in 38 guesses with an accuracy of 68.42%. Played at https://www.redactle.com/ Didn't even cheat, I must be getting better.
  2. Week 24 update One death this week, the painter Paula Rego: Dame Paula Rego obituary | Paula Rego | The Guardian Let's have a look and see which of her paintings stick out to me. Well, it's a thing. I'm also discovering that Google now automatically resizes the results from image search, great stuff. Rego died at 87, so she was worth 38 Base Points. She was a Solo Shot for @Florentine_Pogen for an extra 50 and a total of 88 points. As a result, the standings look like this: 1. Bishop Briggs 458 2. Indale Winton 445 3. JustOneCornetto 431 4. chomp my root 403 5. sparky88 372 6. Ned Nederlander 371 7. Arch Stanton 302 8. gkneil 271 9. peasy23, weirdcal 259 11. Arbroathlegend36-0 255 12. psv_killie 242 13. Savage Henry 196 14. Desp 188 15. pawpar, Sweaty Morph 187 17. Mathematics, The Master 184 19. Florentine_Pogen 173 20. thistledo 167 21. Blootoon87 151 22. gingette, microdave 150 24. buddiepaul 146 25. The_Craig, The DA 144 27. Billy Jean King 139 28. scottsdad 138 29. cdhafc1874 130 30. Moomintroll 123 31. pub car king 122 32. nessies long lost ghost, The Naitch 113 34. senorsoupe 108 35. Miguel Sanchez 105 36. Bully Wee Villa 104 37. Melanius Mullarkay 95 38. jimbaxters, lichtgilphead, sleazy 92 41. scorge 85 42. Lofarl, Mark Connolly 75 44. ThomCat 69 45. thisal 64 46. Hamish's Passenger 61 47. Fuctifano, Willie adie 57 49. Raidernation 46 50. Bert Raccoon, speckled tangerine, statts1976uk 39 51. ayrunitedfw, cambozpar, Karpaty Lviv, Les Cabbage 30 57. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mup1IJllKHs0a47J8G6IXUkvShJrV28Iuc-Kkn7RKuo/edit?usp=sharing
  3. It got a bit better when I started playing, but it's still very loud and in some of the more obviously pre-rendered bits it's quite loud. I could do with opening it up and reapplying the thermal paste tbh, I don't think Sony do a good job of the cooling on these things.
  4. Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon's Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure (PS4, 2021) Last year I played Borderlands with a girl and had the time of my life. After finishing up the rest of the trophies this year I decided I needed some more Borderlands in my life so I played the recently released Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: A Borderlands One-Shot Adventure. I say recently released, it's DLC from Borderlands 2 released as a standalone thing because there's a new game out centred on this concept. I didn't write up Borderlands because I didn't really have anything to say about it, but I'll try here. You are one of the Borderlands 2 characters, you're in a magical kingdom which is the creation of Tiny Tina, a... girl who's playing a tabletop RPG with all the Borderlands characters. I don't get it. I'm not into this kind of thing and the humour and references to it are something I'm only tangentially aware of because of the internet. It's very big on nerd culture in a way a game from 2013/14 would be. There are several meta references to the game within the game but it's never really enough for me to be consistently clever or funny. It's as if every couple of hours someone remembers "Oh! This is supposed to be a game" and throws in a token comment. If you're into this sort of thing you'll probably love it, most of it just washes over me. One thing I can comment on definitively is the gameplay. It's so much better than the original Borderlands. Guns, grenades and the assorted numbers that determine how effective they all are are so much more refined and diverse. The Borderlands series will always be games that work best played with multiple players to complement each other, but for those of us with no friends it's a much better solo experience. I'm not going to say it's easier because it isn't, but if you're conscious of getting the right gear and the right setup, you can get a real challenge out of it. If you do struggle though, there's a well done Easy Mode which can make things less tedious. You take less damage from enemies, but your own damage isn't affected. It makes the game more accessible but still requires you to keep on top of what you're doing. Most of the time though I suppose it's standard Borderlands. Get a gun with some numbers on it, kill some enemies, find some more guns with better numbers and switch to those. Repeat. There's not much else to it. For a single DLC episode there's a good amount of content. For a standalone game I'm not sure it works, because without the context of the full game before it you always feel as if you're trying figure out what's going on yourself, rather than it actually being explained. I had the same problem when I played Tales From the Borderlands several years after I'd played Borderlands 1 and 2. Considering this was released on its own because of the new Tiny Tina game, I'm not sure how much it would entice people to buy the new game if they're not fans already. And if they are, why bother? I wanted more Borderlands, I got it. Better guns and combat than I'd had before. The same occasionally infuriating map design. I think this would have been a better experience if I hadn't gone for all the trophies. Realistically I spent... many hours more with it than I would really have liked. It wasn't bad, it just took a bit longer than I would have liked.
  5. I solved today's Redactle (#66) in 141 guesses with an accuracy of 43.26%. Played at https://www.redactle.com/ Oh yeah I was just two guesses away!
  6. I'm at 90 and have no idea either.
  7. Anyone played God of War? I've just tried it there and my PS4 Pro is the loudest I've ever heard it. Even louder than the times where I'd die in Ace Combat 7 and the fan would glitch. Like unplayable levels of noise. Constant too, not like it's going up or down or different in menus or anything.
  8. If I see Landeskog hand the cup to EJ there will be literal floods of tears coming out of me
  9. When I get stuck I do this to make myself feel better
  10. I solved today's Redactle (#65) in 118 guesses with an accuracy of 49.15%. Played at https://www.redactle.com/ Got the subject after 55. Went a bit longer before I cheated.
  11. I'm sure she's lovely but I'm really over the media fawning over her.
  12. Can't you just play Cookie Clicker like a normal person?
  13. I'm not watching two decades' worth of Quentin Wilson
  14. I solved today's Redactle (#64) in 92 guesses with an accuracy of 63.04%. Played at https://www.redactle.com/
  15. All I have to add is that after clicking this the Hibs website has two separate bits to click to accept/reject cookies, so I'm inclined to believe there's dodgy shit going on.
  16. Donut County (PS4, 2018) In the Annapurna Interactive Deluxe Limited Edition, Donut County is introduced with a word from its creator: Donut County is a game about a raccoon named B.K. and a girl named Mira who works at his donut shop in Donut County. Any time someone in Donut County orders a donut from B.K., he sends them a hole instead and this swallows them and everything around them pretty quickly the entire town ends up underground and angry at him. I didn't know what I was going to get from Donut County and I was pleasantly surprised. Gameplay is pretty much as described. In each level you get a hole in the ground. You move it around so objects fall into it and the hole grows. Occasionally you need to interact with the surface, such as buying a catapult to fire objects back up to flick switches or hit other objects. It's fun. Calling it a puzzle game based on this would be a bit of a stretch, but there are places where it's fun figuring out how to get through an area. If anything, more could be made of this. The overall aesthetic of the game is charming and cartoony, with bright colours and sound/music which complements this nicely without being annoying. Graphically it can look a bit rough. The cutscene-esque moments in between levels look a bit jaggy. That's about the only technical deficiency. The actual physics of making stuff fall in the hole is natural and oddly satisfying. There's one puzzle near the end of the game where you need to press switches with a wobbly snake that's sticking out of the hole and it turns out you can effectively hit the switch twice without realising, which made me have to look up what I was doing wrong. This is the only real problem over the game's three hours. The writing and characterisation plays quite heavily on raccoons and the place they have in contemporary internet culture. Cute little trash guys! I don't get it. Is this an American thing? I don't think you get raccoons here. The other residents of Donut County are all animals so there's a degree of intra-species conflict which is again charming in a cartoony way. The overall aesthetic of the game is just nice in a familiar and comforting way, and the characters are a big part of that. B.K. and Mira go through scenes texting each other on their phones and it's a bit too modern and punctuation-free for my taste, but it all fits well with the game. Donut County isn't a game I would ever have played if I didn't own the Annapurna Interactive Deluxe Limited Edition, but I had fun with the few hours I spent with it. It also reminded me of the Peter Molydeux twitter account, and I had great fun looking at that again.
  17. I solved today's Redactle (#63) in 306 guesses with an accuracy of 70.26%. Played at https://www.redactle.com/ I got the subject after 7 guesses. I got the person after guesses 95 and 96.
  18. I've reached 250 guesses and I'm reduced to just typing Rangers-y sounding words in now. I'm going to feel so stupid when I get it.
  19. Series 6 Episode 6 This is the first episode of Top Gear I ever saw. Jeremy races James and Richard to Oslo, him in the McLaren SLR and them on a ferry and other things. I remember watching this when I was staying at Granny Sanchez' for the weekend. The producers gave him two CDs to listen to - Teach Yourself Norwegian ("I'm fluent already") and "101 Great Speeches From Margaret Thatcher." In my naive innocence I thought he was making fun of it whenever he was listening to it.
  20. But... it's as if everything he says undermines anything he achieves, and he doesn't realise that it all just draws attention to his/his team's/the club's failings. I've seen the RandomGuy beef with the press but I'm still amazed that this stuff just... happens. And nobody pulls him up for it.
  21. Hello lads, sorry to interrupt the news about your shite goalie re-signing but I've been reading your thread semi-regularly for the past few months and even I'm getting annoyed by how stupid Davidson is. "we played games in Europe and it hurt the squad" the games finished in August! I don't know how you cope.
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