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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. A Dumfries and Galloway also in the first few minutes so you're all outraged at nothing in this instance.
  2. I thought the same with the recent pictures of Liotta tbh. I would never have had him as 67, going by those.
  3. The only thing this episode has taught me is that this new Gervais thing sounds really, really boring.
  4. I've taken to watching Who Wants to be a Millionaire? repeats on the high freeview channels over the past few weeks Second for second possibly the funniest video on youtube
  5. "We Are 8" looks remarkably like a cult. Voiced by Rio Ferdinand.
  6. I'm sure he's dining well on egg noodles and ketchup as we speak.
  7. And if you don't have the app, or a smartphone, or a smartphone on your person 24/7?
  8. I don't even have a gif to post. Fucking stunning. Can only assume we're going to offer John Gibson the moon in a month and a bit's time.
  9. I see Dishy Rishi's 500k image management consultant experience was worth it. "Give people money." Fantastic. Worth every penny.
  10. Europa Conference League final: Roma 1-0 Feyenoord - Nicolo Zaniolo hits winner for Italians - BBC Sport There are three European trophies awarded by UEFA. the Conference League is the lowest profile of these. If this is a major trophy then all three competitions are for major trophies, and the distinction is meaningless.
  11. Everything's gearing up for us getting rinsed by the Lightning in the finals tbh. I think our only hope is the Rangers getting through and injuring as many of their players as possible.
  12. Spice up Monaco by not closing the streets for it. Cars have to deal with everyday traffic
  13. While making jokes about minorities who are regularly the subjects of persecution, discrimination and abuse. Truly, the hero we need right now.
  14. Why do you have lights that look like vibrators?
  15. To me that's much closer than the 998 word. I would say the actual word is somewhat close to crossword, but in an American way.
  16. If it's any consolation after getting the 998/1000 word I used a hint for 999, had no idea how it was related and when I gave up it was just the plural of that.
  17. Yes. Today's has lots of mathematical words near the top. Just as you replied, after 142 guesses, I ended up with a word two away. I now somehow feel further away than I was before.
  18. I really really hate you and when I eventually reply to this again I'll have got today's. @mathematics give it a go.
  19. Can only assume it will be a week before he's punting NFTs.
  20. "We're gonna build a wall, and the Juniors are gonna pay for it" is the best electoral rallying cry possible.
  21. Oh, well, #47 was this. If it took me 200+ guesses to get #48 I'd probably never have posted about it tbh
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