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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Student Becomes a Millionaire After Turning Selfies Into NFTs as a Joke | PetaPixel
  2. The signs might say Metro, but the format doesn't exist anymore: Tesco to rebrand Metro stores as Express format - Retail Gazette
  3. 2022 picks of Meat Loaf: 1 2021 picks of Meat Loaf: 2 2020 picks of Meat Loaf: 4 2019 picks of Meat Loaf: 8 You all know the older someone gets the more likely they are to die, right?
  4. You mean Express, Tesco Metro stores don't exist anymore.
  5. Surprised and disappointed there aren't pages of one-shots Wordle 216 3/6*
  6. The Persistence (PS4, 2018) The Persistence is a rougelike first person shooter where you play as Zimri, the only person left alive on the Persistence spaceship where something bad has happened, you need to figure out what, and get away. The randomly generated ship layout is filled with mutants trying to stop you, but there's just as many weapons for you to kill them with. I honestly didn't really know or care what the story was as I was playing the game. Every time you die a clone of you gets created which is how the rougelike element works but I forget why or how that's a thing. I think people died and the ship saved their DNA profiles. The ship's computer takes on the voice of one of the crew, Serena. Whatever happened, the ship's stuck next to a black hole and you need to get away. As I think about it now the gameplay really is the only thing I can remember about this game. The gameplay being the overwhelming focus isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the game still has some problems. When you first start and jump into the teleporter to go to Deck 1 you'll find some mutants in some of the rooms. You'll be encouraged by the ship's computer to sneak around and try to suck out their stem cells with your Replicator gun to kill them. If you don't time this right the mutants will spot you, attack you, and kill you. You have a shield which you're supposed to press when you get attacked but you don't time it right. You die. You then start again, you go through some rooms, you find another mutant, you die. It took me several hours before I had managed to collect enough resources to upgrade my stats and actually get through more than one room without dying. This starting gameplay loop is quite off-putting, and it's not helped by the ship being randomly generated each time you respawn, meaning you constantly need to find your bearings. I spent most of those first few hours wondering if I was doing something wrong but once it clicks, it just clicks. The difficulty curve is... well, not really a curve. By the time you get to Deck 3 you've almost certainly have got the hang of the game. Your health, stealth, melee damage will all be fully upgraded. You'll have found decent loot to make a suit with a weapon or defence bonus, things like that. Then you reach Deck 4 and even though it's the same enemies, the difficulty somehow shoots up again. Considering each time you die you lose all of your weapons and anything you've collected on that run it's very frustrating to be swamped and taken out when you're fully tooled up for a run at the endgame. Although sneaking around is best when you start out and even more effective later on, when you figure out how the weapons work and upgrade them you can have some real fun. There are lots of weapons and most of them seem to be there to show off the fact it's a VR game. The Valkyrie harpoon gun fires a bolt which pins anything in front of it into the nearest wall. The Gravity Bomb creates a black hole that sucks every enemy into it. There are a few melee weapons which are one hit kills and somehow even more satisfying for it. At the same time there are a bunch of handguns which have the same effect as the guy in a film who's run out of bullets and throws their gun at the bad guy, and a bunch of "experimental weapons" which do things like teleport you to a safe place. I think there are 22 weapons in total and you only really need less than a quarter of that. Weapon selection isn't helped by this originally being a VR game, with non-VR compatibility added later. I don't have VR. I'm sure it's great. Can't wait to try certain parts of the internet with it. Many video games are probably fun too, although The Persistence seems like it's somewhat gimmicky in its implementation. You can collect as many weapons as you can find in a run. To pick the one you want to use you press R1 and then pick it. They all show up at once. With VR you look at the one you want and it's presumably a lot easier than trying to find and focus on the one you want with a controller. This makes the otherwise interesting combat a panicked mess. You can be swamped by a bunch of guys and need to change your weapon immediately, only to get stuck trying to pick one that's actually good. Then you're back in the room and attacked and probably dead, starting again. From what I remember this and opening doors by focusing your reticule on a particular part in the middle are the only moments where the VR focus is actually used, and as a non-VR player it just feels gratuitous. You can't expect the doors to open automatically because walking up to them makes a small window on them open you can see what's in the room which is very useful for planning your attack, but there has to be a better option than then looking at the right part of the screen to actually do the action. I liked this. Graphically it wasn't remarkable, but it did look and feel like a futuristic spaceship that had succumbed to something horrible that turned its entire crew into an assortment of angry mutants. There's a good range of weapons and a good range of strategy required for dealing with the mutants. The roguelike setup to the levels can be confusing to start but then almost everything about the game feels confusing at the start. There's a good amount of tension even once you're acclimatised to your surroundings, with the fear partly you not wanting to die and lose your progress, partly genuine fear from the atmosphere of the spaceship. Despite my complaints about struggling at the start it won't take you long to reach the end, and ultimately the game takes up just the right amount of space and time. I've certainly spent longer on worse.
  7. 2021 PlayStation Wrap-Up is out, if you let Sony monitor all your data: https://blog.playstation.com/2022/01/20/reflect-on-your-2021-gaming-achievements-with-playstation-2021-wrap-up/ My stats: 1660 hours 1496 hours locally, 164 online 49 games 1. Gran Turismo Sport (306 hours) 2. Rocket League (190 hours) 3. Ace Combat 7 (93 hours) 4. Borderlands (79 hours) 5. Horizon Zero Dawn (76 hours) (very surprised by this) 1541 trophies 32 (2%) 107 (7%) 300 (19%) 1107 (72%) 29 PS+ games added
  8. I'm pretty sure I've rejected Yahoo in the past for someone. It's a non-UK site with a UK news section. The UK part of that URL is just based on the country you're in, not the website itself - if you're on a VPN and go on to Yahoo from another country it localises it, like this: Últimas Noticias y Titulares en España | Yahoo Noticias I'm a bit surprised since he died so close to MLK day but... it's a risk you take with the more obscure picks.
  9. Well you keep ruining mine by quoting Monkey Tennis, so I can understand why you would have missed it.
  10. Got around to this and am watching the training episode now. "There's been a rape up there!" - cut to Gareth writing his notes Amazing.
  11. You joke about the football comparisons... "Once I heard the manager was interested in me there was only one place I wanted to be"
  12. How has Scotland been during your save?
  13. I considered this but looking at the people born the same year as me just made me depressed, sorry.
  14. Yellow Oxo cubes. You could coat drill bits in the stuff, cut through anything.
  15. I'm enjoying Matt Lucas a lot more than I thought I would.
  16. I'm sure someone whose twitter username has more characters devoted to the word 'gender' than her actual name is an entirely hinged and reasonable commentator on the subject too.
  17. Yeah sounds like something wrong with the install or it's not finished yet.
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