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Everything posted by ecto

  1. In a league that’s short of characters, he’s certainly one, but he was at the capers long before he eventually and correctly booked
  2. When a mediocre Lowland League side, pass the ball through you’re midfield, they’re may be an issue
  3. Actually it is, if you look out the left window as you slow down to enter Arbroath station, you will see said roadworks by looking out the window on you’re left
  4. This is all well and good, but this doesn’t solve the defensive frailties or the cluster***k, that is our central midfield
  5. I got the feeling we we’re looking beyond loanees, and looking at signed players only, but it appears we have had such a chaotic window, we are now looking at loans again Are they no SPFL comps
  6. Comp is a waste of time, a pointless cup introduced for no reason, I can see
  7. Bigger fish to fry No me, haven’t been to a tie for years, won’t be going to this one
  8. Oh no, this cup should have been put out of its misery years ago, pointless cup
  9. Am no sure Oakley was that great, often caught out of position, got away with lots, because of his speed, much better going forward, than defending, only thing he did at Queens Park, was sent for a hot dog by Dale Hilson, so not an Oakley type, want a proper defender, whose first instinct is to defend
  10. It was clear at the Cowdenbeath game, that there was problems in centre mid and LB, but I thought like many, 1st game, we’ll learn, or enlist the proper personnel, but we have done neither 9 games is more than long enough to decide whether the manager is the right one, or not
  11. Allan was a quality player, not any longer, made one contribution of note last season, one, would suggest he thinks he wouldn’t get the same money elsewhere, probably thinks he’ll retire at the end of the season, so sits on our bench, no bothered whether he plays or not, collecting his wedge, of course this is only my personal opinion or Johnstone Burgh appear to have wads of cash, maybe they will swoop in and put Scott Allan’s time at Gayfield out of its misery
  12. The Scott Allan question is easy for me, it’s obvious the manager doesn’t see him as a player for a scrap, tbh I don’t see where he fits into the team but you are right, we do have to take points of the teams about us
  13. Wait till the lack of atmosphere, when there’s a 1000 in big Hampden
  14. It obvious, even to you, that, this argument doesn’t fly, we needed a LB, agreed, surely, the almost desire not to go for a hard tackling defensive centre mid oh and to wait a dozen games before changing the manager, if we have a terrible start, would be an act of self harm
  15. Right, you’re obviously that guy, can’t just enjoy the result, you’re not saying anything about us that we don’t know, now, go and enjoy you’re evening, while we wallow in self pity thank you
  16. I’ve been reticent to call for the managers head, but that is now 4 transfer windows in a row, that has been poor, I said before that I thought, the lack of a LB signing as an act of vandalism, I also find his obsession with small centre mids as baffling, tbf, we should be looking to get rid of Allan, Jacobs and one other, club has money, we need a complete “b*****d” in centre mid and left back, everyone knows this, if we do not address this, we are doomed its win or bust for Campbell next week, anything else, he is out
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