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Everything posted by ecto

  1. We have also beaten Thistle, Morton and Dunfermline this season and they are all bigger clubs than ICT
  2. Surprised at Hunter being on the list, came to us played centre mid, was very good
  3. Am beginning to think, this pair should just get a room
  4. Years ago the trench used to go all the around to plesh end, behind the terraces, and at the bottom of the trench were corrugated iron, structures to pee against
  5. You were quick to see the typo, f**king auto correct,
  6. Easy there tiger, surely the team of 73/74, was a better team
  7. If the original thread was deleted because their team lost, is pathetic
  8. Little has carried the ball, when Whately didn't start, that appeared to be a given and Little plays every game, to change any of it seems odd, also not sure ToB has shown more leadership skills than many in the team, but not long after ToB signed a Forfar fan asked me if he was captain yet, as it was their understanding he was signed to be skipper
  9. What guff this is, 24quid is an outrageous price at this level and there is no hiding from it
  10. Monkey House was like a fucking laberynth getting to and from the pisher. Aye, think you went under union st. to the macdonalds across the road
  11. 1 Stevie D 2 Bobby 3 Wee Josh 4 Ricky. 5 TOB
  12. But, you have to admire the persistence of Micheal Stewart, he comes again and again on Twitter, almost always being torched by someone, but it does not deter him
  13. Been to Turkey the last 5 yrs, never had any issues
  14. Seeing Dumfermline yesterday, they look rudderless
  15. For us to slag off Cahill, is a bit rich, when we can parade, Stewart, Boyd, Walker, Nicholas, Miller, McManus, Craigan and Dodds
  16. Is nowhere near the quality we require at this level, now can we stop this
  17. The politics forum on P&B, is the eighth wonder of the world and long may it continue and flourish
  18. These weekend cooking shows are garbage enough without this p***k
  19. A slight change in formation, he would not have to We are not going to get many chances in some games, so getting enough players forward is going to be crucial, so 4-4-2, with 2 deep lying centre mids, may not do this, but you are right about the summer recruitment, that's far to much agreement with you, away for a lie down
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