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Everything posted by Iain

  1. I think we will win the league this season if we get to 67.
  2. How many points did the team that won the division last season end up with?
  3. I've come to the conclusion that Starmer is a deeply unpleasant man.
  4. If my counting is right (and it may not be as I ran out of fingers), if we win tonight and Arbroath don't then we'll be officially safe from relegation. While there's plenty to complain about, I certainly won't miss the frayed nerves that come with a last day scrap for survival.
  5. Had to get the apology out before Forbes gets elected and doesn't see a problem.
  6. The aim isn't just to collect footballers though, you need guys who fit the type of football you intend to play. Unfortunately nobody seems to know what that is.
  7. Ayr have dropped points against every team in the division.
  8. Hopefully the powers that be aren't watching this one too closely or they might decide to just cancel all football forthwith.
  9. No reason to think any additions will improve results when there isn't an identifiable system to fit them into.
  10. If Humza is really bad I imagine we'll start to see more and more communication coming from Stephen Flynn in the first instance.
  11. Unless Kirk's regression is related to his injury it might be some time before Arsenal trust Ayr with any of their young players again.
  12. That was pretty disappointing. Not much to get excited about. Dundee didn't even have to play well to win comfortably.
  13. Obviously he can get it through with Labour votes, but politically that could be worse for him than not getting it through. Will be interesting.
  14. Hamilton didn't offer much compared to the last game there, but three very welcome points and good to see Murdoch back out there.
  15. Hamilton were much better than this in the 3-2 game, are they not meant to be new and improved?
  16. Looking forward to the Rodgers trade finalising so I don't have to read the word 'leverage' ever again.
  17. This is Keir "Freedom of Movement is over" Starmer?
  18. Not sure why he would suddenly figure out a way to make them play differently/better now when he's stuck to the other approach for over a year.
  19. At least being comically bad has a built-in element of entertainment, even if it leans to the macabre.
  20. It would be quite interesting to have the Greens grow and become the leftist Indy party and the SNP establish itself as a centrist Indy party with conservative economics. Would even the playing field a little with the split Unionist vote
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