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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Ruth in a safe seat will generate little amusement up here but she's being touted for greatness and that's when the fun will begin - she won't be able to hide if she's given a job and will face Emma Barnett style probing fairly often ... even the Express can't polish a turd that much.
  2. The End tour covered the first four albums almost exclusively - "Dirty Women" being the only outlier.
  3. Those 'Vote Tory' trailers they had parked in their fields a few months ago will soon be used as 'For Sale' signs.
  4. So anyhoo, Rees-Mogg & Alex Salmond tonight ... might be worth a wee gander.
  5. I can't be arsed reading the entire thread but just wanted to add a couple of things: After playing FM for fucking years without any sort of 'real' success it dawned on me that I'd never set out to man-mark anyone, I actually had to look up how to do it, the result has been miraculous and by adding a defensive midfielder purely to mark the main threat a career that had started quietly with Edinburgh City now has me challenging with Hearts in the top flight When I joined Hearts though one player decided to hold me to a promise to improve the depth of the squad that the previous manager had made to him - I was romping up the league and brought in 8 players in my first window but the c'nt still wasn't happy - and most of the squad agreed with him - I had to try every trick in the book just to beat relegation. C'nt. Cheery.
  6. That reason being his miss away to Dumbarton probably.
  7. Nope, it was only £30k, heard some lassie on the radio say so.
  8. Her beret is fucking tragic, like an absolute noobs straight out of training - its like something you'd see in a poorly advised war movie - we used to ask folk if they were smuggling plates under them.
  9. The bitter bellends are out and about again - a few minutes later and I'd have been stuck behind them. It's blowing an absolute hooley though so they're getting blown all over the shop - pity it's not pouring down as well for the ultimate point-and-laugh. Imagine being that immersed in something so pointless, embarrassing and backwards ... they absolutely fucking love it as well the utter simpletons
  10. The mono-brows are gathering to bring irrelevant 17th century Ireland to Grangemouth - it's cold and windy but no sign of rain It would appear they're going to stomp down a road that the police refused to close for Children's Day last week ... more clowns attending todays event. I'm heading back out in a couple of hours ... hopefully they've fucked off by then.
  11. From what I've read online people didn't always notice he was tearing the PM a new one and basically being the opposition that Labour weren't and instead focused on his 'smugness', perhaps Blackford's more relaxed style will allow folk to focus on what he's actually saying and doing. And I do realise that Moray decided they werent best reresented by a party leader at WM with the floor to himself every week and instead appointed a guy who missed Holyrood for football matches and will sit on the back benches and happy-clap the Government. 'Smugness' played no part in their decision.
  12. You know - Ian Blackford's quiet assured manner might just be the sort of approach that will gain some respect for the SNP. Whilst I think Nicola Sturgeon is an excellent politician her firey, in-your-face politics generates resentment. Angus Robertson's smugness turned people off of him - I called Ian dull earlier but he's won me over.
  13. Worst audience ever (which i think i said last week) This makes the Sarah Smith debate show look like a fucking masterpiece.
  14. I lived in Plymouth for a bit and absolutely hated it but even I'm embarrassed by this rabble.
  15. Absolute quality - has anyone been chucked out before ?
  16. Yay for Daily Mail basher bloke!!
  17. Ian Blackford might be making sense but he's dull as f'ck.
  18. Peter Obourne looks like a baked potato in a wig.
  19. Ooft - angry Brexit woman there. The dispicable face of why the rest of us are getting dragged out of the EU.
  20. Daily Mail journos must be the workaround for forcing UKIP's view onto BBCQT
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