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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. BBC 5Live has been playing a rather pleased-with-himself 'No' voter telling us that we didn't know the terms of independance 2 weeks before the vote as if that's somehow relevant to the SNP wanting the next referendum to be 6 months before we actually feckin leave the EU.
  2. It was more the 'Thursday' bit. I'll take a wee break from posting anyhoo.
  3. Not sure this is a joke though: Or has Eck wooshed me now as well
  4. Putting aside the 'generations' gaff 10 years is absolutely f'ck all compared to the actual generations of Tory Governments the UK has ahead of it.
  5. The 'Silent Majority' appear to be making noises this time - personally I think that's fantastic as I reckon a great many of them didn't engage last time preferring to sit in fear of their lives at the thought of their shitty wee country running itself.
  6. Sake - I somehow ended up in the ITV News FB Page and there's about 4000 comments on there that would make your eyes bleed. I'd been going to vote Yes but Neil from Stoke has pointed out that we'd need to start paying for stuff ourselves
  7. Worth mentioning (maybe) that those aged between 12 & 16 back in 2014 would be eligable to vote this time, I believe the young vote was predominately 'Yes' back in 2014.
  8. At least Nick Robinson has moved on ... although I feel my wee crush on Laura Kuenssberg is going to be put under strain.
  9. The Scottish Greens' external affairs spokesman Ross Greer: “There are five million EU citizens living in Scotland, it's unthinkable that they will be told to join the back of a mythical queue"
  10. FWIW - I'm keeping a lower profile on FB this time 'round, I'm sure half my friends still have my content blocked.
  11. Here's the counter to all those hilarious folk posting about the Calcutta Cup:
  12. His point is valid - I stated I was a soft 'No' on here and was rather quickly called a shitebag (or something like that I can't be arsed going back to check) It's certainly not an effective method of convincing people to vote your way.
  13. Plus she tweeted to congratulate England on their win right after the match.
  14. Jeez - I've changed jobs since indy1 - the new place is wall-to-wall unionists ("George Sq" bellend types) I reckon there will be a few fall outs. Surely to f'ck we canny f'ck it up twice !
  15. I think it's genuinely the first time I've not seen Kez come across as an absolute raving loon. (Not saying she isn't one btw )
  16. These questions are like listening to a remedial reading class.
  17. I would guess it's more that they mostly support Labour !? Wee 'boo' for a Corbyn out comment.
  18. Shared by my Aunt ffs - the standard response from her gang of friends has been " In sickness and in health xxxx"
  19. People who follow our big two do genuinely believe the World is out to get them - bat-crap crazy I know but not really a big surprise given most of them are absolute fucking morons !!
  20. I'll post tentatively for fear of being wooshed but the Record obviously has a duty to it's mono-browed readership to stick a picture related to the Old Firm or 'Rangers' on it's front page.
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