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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Interesting to see the BBC stating that 'Rangers' players complained of being confronted by fans rather than beaten to a pulp! It's almost is if it was made up shit !!
  2. Hibs winning the Cup was superb and I've already congratulated them on the thread. You're basically Hibs version of BPM.
  3. How do you even police a life ban ? I imagine you'd get flagged up if you tried to buy a season book but who's going to stop you if you just turn up at the gate - there's no way some security chap can pick out everyone on the 'list' just by eyeballing them (pnarr etc.) Imagine having to hand out life bans to fans after winning the Cup FFS.
  4. I worked on the Search and Rescue aircraft down in Cornwall for many years and there was a rumour that the parents of a young lad we'd rescued had billed us (Royal Navy) for the inflatable he'd been on when he'd floated out to sea cause the winchman burst with a knife to stop it being sooked up into the rotor disk!
  5. Thankfully for Manchester it wasn't Hibs fans down there.
  6. If I was envious then I'd just support Hibs - it's hardly rocket-surgery.
  7. It was put down as police lies being exaggerated by a two-bit rag of a 'news' paper. It's also just a little far fetched - although I suppose if Hibs fans are celebrating by swinging punches at 'Rangers' players then anythings possible.
  8. The suggestion that the police were hindered outside Hampden has been widely and pretty much unanimously rubbished on this thread.
  9. "The last protestatant Lord Provost was 1972, because we all said about this the next one was Jewish who studied at a private catholic school and one of her first things was giving them something like £8k for a stained window, now if we had not had a catholic Lord provost since 1972 we would be getting called all the bigots of the day and it would be Glasgow's shame." ^This is the sort of thing we should be talking about on this football forum, f'ck all this pish about Cup Draws and transfer rumours, I really feel I'm missing out in an important and worthwhile aspect of life
  10. Why bring Celtic into it - just flip it and consider how folk would have reacted had 'Rangers' fans pelted up the other end of the park to flick the Vs at the Hibs support whilst giving Logan a shove and swinging some punches at David Gray along the way.
  11. Needs a thread of it's own IMO ... in fact it needs a fucking Facebook page of it's own FFS
  12. And the officials and yon Hibs player that protected Halliday did a shit job if he required medical attention!!
  13. According to that: "We know that at least six Rangers players and assistant manager Davie Weir were attacked, leaving three of them requiring medical attention" I didn't know that so I checked their sources and for that claim it's the Sun who wade in with this: "Reports claim that Gers skipper Lee Wallace had to be rescued by his team-mates after being knocked to the ground and repeatedly kicked by thugs. It's understood that Rangers stars Wallace, Andy Halliday and Jason Holt required medical attention following the shocking scenes after thousands of fans flooded the field. ITV news journalist Peter Smith said: "I saw Rangers captain Lee Wallace attacked by fans on the park. He was punched and kicked until his team mates and security moved in." If any of that happened I reckon we'd have seen proof of it by now, we've seen loads of clips online after all - there were thousands of cameras at hampden last week. Did the photographer who took the picture of Wallace having a punch swung at him not take any pictures of him on the ground getting kicked ? Why does the clip of Wallace being swung at not show him getting knocked to the ground and kicked, why is there a clip of Wallace trapsing off the park rather matter-of-fact when he's just been beaten up ? Is it cause it's absolute horse shit !!??
  14. Winners automatically then the best 4 runners up.
  15. A snapshot of the article was posted not a link - I wasn't the first person to comment on it but I was the first to acknowledge that there may be more to the piece than just the headline. And for clarity I've no issue with criticising how the 'Rangers' fans reacted or the absurd statements that Dangers issued - a look back through the thread should confirm that.
  16. I've not read the piece and don't know the full context but when faced with deciding whether an offensive song or unrest on the pitch is worse then the unrest 'wins' every time. I think some folk are failing to see the full picture here, a pitch invasion is ok but running to the away fans and swinging punches at opposition players isn't, A Hibs fan swung punches at an oppsition player FFS !! even pushing the goalkeeper is overstepping the mark. It's easy to focus on the 'Rangers' fans, they're an offensive bunch who sang offensive songs, let off smoke bombs and came onto the pitch at the end but let's not lose sight of the Hibs fans actions after the game − who the f'ck celebrates a Cup win by swinging punches at opposition players ?
  17. The headline is misleading − from the text you can see that he's suggesting that singing 'The Billy Boys' is preferrable to getting involved in unrest on the pitch ... and he's right !
  18. Commemorating 'Rangers' first goal of 2013 !! (A player who's just been released )
  19. Beat me to it Good luck to Blair, hope his move is a success.
  20. Jesus, that's up there with the worst, the text is fucking dire Easy to cover up though.
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