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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. He was only a youngster - I checked the Clyde thread just then and he left them in January due to 'work commitments'. Sad stuff.
  2. Jesus , whit !? Just drop that one in why don't you.
  3. I can confirm that Grangemouth is wet and blowing a fucking hooley.
  4. This sounds rather intriguing but isn't terrible clear. Did one of the players tweet that he hadn't been told the news personally ?
  5. It's only a fiver, and it doesn't even affect me, but it's a bit shitty of the SPFL to ask us to charge a group of supporters who've been free of charge all season. A fair chunk of the gate money from these games is divvied up amoungst the other league clubs IIRC.
  6. Nice to see a former Falkirk player win an English Premier League Champions medal.
  7. I've actually been away for a few minutes and started beeling about that - I've been to two Falkirk related charity auctions in the past and at both of them the very same person has hoovered up all the lots - now I know that's great and lots of cash is going to the club but maybe the fecker could have just put a wad of cash into the fund and let folk actually enjoy the evening safe in the knowledge that they'd at least have a chance of taking something home. *goes to take time out
  8. That's a decent lot that - pity I've got a holiday to pay for or I'd be up for that (although there's always some fecker outbidding me at these things anyhoo)
  9. ... and a couple of Hibs fans being bellends, quelle surprise. Any chance of just a couple of days peace from the relentless fandanery?
  10. To be fair there are some decent posts on that thread, particularly layer on, but some Hibs fans seem to have a genuine dislike for shitey wee Falkirk Falkirk !! Have a word with yourselves FFS
  11. Mediocrity !! I'd forgotten about that !! Promotion or no get it right up yeez all you close season knicker wetters from last Summer Gonnae gie us peace this year please.
  12. Possibly not. It's actually fairly easy to wind up the Falkirk support on here but for some reason you Hibs boys always seem to go about it the wrong way − nobody cares about John Hughes or the end of season walkabout, Three stands in Grangemouth will at least have BPM replying ... go give it a wee go.
  13. They came back out yeah, it's happened in all the years I've been going. Do the Hibs players not come out after tha last home league match of the season
  14. It happens every season, you're managing to make more of an erse of yourself than usual here, which is some effort tbf
  15. He's a roaster looking for attention, I'm embarrassed for him TBH.
  16. We used to do that but the owner of the wee place I'm talking about said he'd rather we used his car park − it's been a great wee place to park and I've told quite a few folk to use it over the years.
  17. Does anyone else normally park at the wee industrial unit just off Laurieston Road ? Got back to the car today to find a note on the windscreen saying not to park there again. Has the unit changed hands cause it was the owner who originally told us to park there many moons ago − he said it was preferential to having cars blocking access for his trucks. They had pallets out on the junction as well.
  18. Hibs are paying what was a high top flight wage bill to be on the same points as uber diddies Falkirk lol That must be pretty embarrassing for you.
  19. He said Hibs' mind games don't work and it's somehow got you flailing around like a simpleton lol You couldn't make it up
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