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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. There's a link on there stating that the wee arsehole Pryde has been in court accused of attempting to punch Wallace and Holt, I'm certainly not condoning his actions, he's a cock and I hope they throw the fucking book at him, but that photo of him in the vacinity of Wallace was being held up as evidence that he'd actually hit him - indded it was the only 'evidence' of any violence towards any 'Rangers' player that day and yet Stranger Dangers issued a statement claiming all 11 players were either punched or kicked !! Surely even the 'Rangers' fans must admit that that claim was bollocks now!?
  2. And have Stranger Dangers issued a statement condoning it yet ... or contacted Hibs to ask after his wellbeing? It's been four days now, they were demanding statements from Hibs after just a few hours !
  3. Belated I know but in light of the embarrassing scenes at this year's Scottish Cup Final I thought I'd praise the Inverness fans on their ability to somehow resist celebrating their first EVER Scottish Cup win by running up the other end of the pitch to flick the Vs at the Falkirk support. Indeed even just being able to stay in the stand and enjoy the lap of honour must've taken reems of restraint. Kudos.
  4. Jesus H Fucking Christ Imagine being that raging about, and he even says this himself, a single tweet 'briefed about events as they were happening' it lasted about 6 minutes ffs The facts of the event are still unfolding, and these facts are showing angry fat men assaulting youths and one even trying to nab a kid. I've slated the Hibs supporters who rushed the away support ... I've made it very clear what I think of them but each new clip just goes to prove that anyone making an early statement condemning only the Hibs support would now be looking very foolish indeed.
  5. Given the Stranger Dangers love a statemnet and managed to rattled out two in quick succession the other day bemoaning the lack of any condemnation from Hibs on the after-match goings on then why have we not seen a statement from the Dangers condemning the fella trying to lift the wee Hibs fan? It is, after all, something that did actually happen unlike the made-up pish about 11 players being punched or kicked. Have they even had the courtesy to contact Hibs to ask after the wellbeing of the wee boy?
  6. "twitter.com/GregBinnie Saw on Twitter that someone who applied to you was conditionally accepted Binnie posted on Twitter about invading the pitch on Sat at the SC Final. Claims not to have been the person who ran the full length of the pitch to assault the opposing team's goalkeeper however by his own admission was in the immediate vicinity I hope we share the same revulsion at the conduct of this individual. I'd simply ask you to consider whether he's the kind of person you'd want to accept"
  7. Have a look on Stranger Danger Media, I had a wee look yesterday at work and they had a 13 page thread detailing each and every piece of evidence I'll save you the time though by pointing out that all they've got is the still of the guy Dale having a go at Lee Wallace and someone shoving Foderingham. (I skimmed the thread but there was at least one guy e-mailing someone's potential employer/university (?) to tell them the fella been involved in the pitch invasion)
  8. This. Our sports media has managed to assemble a rather extreme selection of oddballs that just seem overly desperate to argue with each other live on air.
  9. So what did Kenny say happened to his son? Was thinking we'd have evidence of 7 or 8 of the player assaults by now.
  10. Look - if the 'Rangers' fans say he's a child saver then he's a fucking child saver. Surely one of them will name him now so we can all show our appreciation.
  11. Lots of jokes about this goading but imagine the seethe if 'Rangers' had won and their fans had went up the pitch to taunt the Hibees. Nobody can seriously condone the Hibs fans who decided to celebrate their cup win by getting in the faces of the 'Rangers' fans.
  12. If I couldn't avoid being forced onto the pitch then guess what - I'd be on the pitch. Would I then pelt up the other end to give it the bigs licks to the opposition fans - no I fucking wouldn't ?
  13. Absolute arsholes every single one of them. I just don't get it, yes there is an eliment of 'goading' at all games but that's different to what's going on there - and seconds after the greatest footballing day of their lives !!?? I'm fairly certain, in fact no it's an absolute fucking certainty, that had Falkirk won the cup last year, or indeed when we played Rangers, I wouldn't have ran onto the pitch to gaud their fans I'd have celebrated like f'ck with my family and friends. Fucking scumbags.
  14. So in summary, We have: Pictures of a Hibs fan close to some 'Rangers' players. A Hibs fan (possibly the same arsehole) swinging and missing a 'Rangers' player. The Goalkeeper getting pushed. A Hibs fan getting kicked by a fella in a blazer. An adult 'Rangers' fan protecting his players by picking up and trying to carry away a pre-teen Hibs fan.
  15. I saw that but assumed it was a fan he kicked!? For clarification - that would be a grown man in full Hibs kit !!
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