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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. That certainly has potential. I assume the order is already in given what happened last year with the outstanding design/Cup Final - I would have liked to have asked our resident retail experts/blawhards how many shirts the club should have ordered in.
  2. I was ready to ask if the last 6 pages were worth reading but I went and read them anyway − they weren't.
  3. BBC reporting that the official County site has been 'accidentally deleted' Switch It Off And Back On Again
  4. David, I can call you David right ? You appear to have responded with gav when I asked who'd been winding you up. Good luck with your bet and all your future endeavours.
  5. £1000. Davie says he'll give half his winnings to charity.
  6. What hot air davie? Seriously ? Have you managed to get yourself wound-up about f'ck all ?
  7. Show us some of these posts Davie, I'd like to put a name to whoever's got you teetering on the brink.
  8. Hearing stuff ... terracing ... hotel ... corners... stuff. Very drunk. Don't shoot the messenger.
  9. Every single word on he FB page starts with an upper case letter.
  10. David, can I call you David? People are saying you'll get better odds at the bookies - go put your money on at the bookies. Good luck.
  11. This suggestion that Celtic players are involved is simply glorious. I'd love to see the parallel universe where Celtic went tits-up rather than Rangers.
  12. I think Hibs would beat us in a play off but I reckon Raith will rag−doll both of us. Not sure how that affects your bet proposition, why not just give a donation to charity anyhoo and go for a wee lie down.
  13. "Both Mark Warburton, the Rangers manager, and David Weir, his assistant, said as much as they welcomed the Sky Sports cameras to Auchenhowie earlier this week. Their interviews both contained the same basic line: their Parkhead rivals have, as a result of their involvement in the hugely lucrative Champions League group stages, had far more money to lavish on players than them... ...The hidden message behind the words Warburton and Weir have been peddling is that it is unrealistic to expect their side, for all the success they have enjoyed in the 2015/16 campaign, to compete." Not sure why Warburton should mention budgets with regards to being able to compete − the Bears on here have been falling over themselves to tell us budgets have hee−haw to do with it
  14. The only bitterness Walter talks about is from 'Rangers' even when the interviewer mentions bitterness from both sides.
  15. Fucking Hell In Ted's head "Happy to see Rangers go down" means bitterness and ill feeling lol I have no bitterness or ill feeling towards you Ted but I'm happy to see you make a monumental c'nt of yourself on this thread And the actual quote itself is just comedy gold from the bewildered auld goat
  16. In your attempt to prove folk are raging you've quoted folk stating that he's a bit simple. Are you Walter Smith ?
  17. Clubs don't get any money you complete and utter simpleton − it's the company ... have you no been paying attention ?
  18. Can someone help me out here ? My team was relegated before Rangers went tits−up, how is that even possible
  19. Calm doon chaps − it's only that doddering auld idiot Smith. Here's my previous musings on his outbursts: Still his latest ramblings are total "check his meds" stuff.
  20. I wish yon interviewer had called him on his offer to show the email from the Dallas Cowboys.
  21. In amoungst the thousands of pages of pointing−and−laughing there has been discussion, the standard goto response from Ra Bears has evolved from 'obsessed' to 'whataboutthem', 'SFA website' and now onto '55' with very little in between. 'We Don't Do Walking Away' should really have been 'We'll Watch On Bewildered'
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