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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. It's utterly tragic - anyone who feels the need to mention "Saville" in something like that is an absolute fucking simpleton. In the very same sentence Dundee the club were in administration but Rangers the club weren't in liquidation - it's apparently a very easy arrangement to follow yet a purveyor of the set-up canny even get it right himself. And of course nothing says you're not bothered about something like a tears and snotters "I'm not bothered" statement.
  2. Spent most of the morning thinking that Dean Holden had saved Bolton
  3. Remarkably, Dundee going into admin is mentioned on there without anyone pointing out that clubs can't go into admin.
  4. I didn't know he'd twatted Boaby. Is that the game Boaby went totally Tonto at Arfield in for no apparent reason ?
  5. FWIW - In the 10 or so SPL games that Jeroen Lambers played for Falkirk in we only lost 3 times and he was in goal for two wins over the Old Firm.
  6. And yet, remarkably, you can't get your tiny minds round the fact that folk have thoroughly enjoyed Rangers going tits-up.
  7. Offering a contract to an under 24 year old is a means of triggering a tribunial is it not ?
  8. Good post. You're forgetting Kenny McDowell's insightful, powerful and thought-provoking analysis of Scottish football and what the Old Firm and "Rangers" bring to it though: "It makes it better " - K.McDowell (2015)
  9. Again - there's a dedicated board for all this pish, please leave this section free for pointing and laughing. Thanks in advance.
  10. I met the engineering team that fitted the undersoil heating at TFS, they told me Man Utd & Chelsea had the exact same system and that it was absolutely state−of−the−art. After speaking to them I boasted on here that it was the best USH system in Scotland.
  11. Thanks for that ground−breaking insight Tedi There must be thousands upon thousands of posts on here pointing and laughing at "Rangers" for spending squillions to beat posties and brickies − very very few "Rangers" fans ever criticised McCoist, you yourself told me he was building a squad for the following seasons
  12. BPM & Mr Dust have already given their expert opion of you pitch thanks.
  13. Windows 10 just carried out an update that I wasn't given an option to postpone that took well over 2 hours to complete Arseholes !! I see I now have Cortana ... not fucking interested in having Cortana, f**k off Cortana ! Where's the more than petty things thread ?
  14. Higdon wouldn't come back to FFC anyhoo given the distance Brains Trust put between the fans and the players back when he was here.
  15. Would Nathan Austin be available for the play-offs?
  16. It would indeed - do we know what his current contract length is?
  17. Now I admit I probably don't know enough about all this to pass comment but I'll stick my nib and and suggest that whilst a word may not actually be offensive it's use as a means to cause offence takes it over that threshold!? When someone shouts the "f" at someone they do so in the belief that it will cause offence and in many occasions I guess it will - can we then just dismiss it cause the roots of the word are not actually sectarian?
  18. The only member club to vote in favour of giving Rangers SPL membership was Rangers.
  19. FFS Ken - The good stuff survived the bad stuff didn't ... have you not been paying attention? They are still the same Rangers though despite having ditched the bad bit - all the folk that weren't paid for doing jobs for Rangers are not owed money by Rangers that was a different Rangers they did jobs for despite this being the same Rangers.
  20. Ho Cuntos - you've got your very own section for whataboutery and bile. Kindly f'ck off and bicker about your absolutely irrelevant, backwards and utterly pointless pish there.
  21. My first post on P&B was about Andy Lawrie that season - my post contained the words "Roberto" & "Carlos".
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