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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. SPL clubs in being arseholes shocker I for one am grateful for Kinky for bringing this to our attention − who'd've fucking known
  2. There are hunderds of these things and have been for ages − girl's names, dog names etc. etc. I have a few friends who seem to think they've just aced a Mensa Test by answering them. FB really highlights just how gullible and just damn right thick a high portion of the population are.
  3. I'd have highlighted any story like that on P&B as being fanciful regardless of which team the author supported, if you check the Falkirk thread I spend a decent amount of time calling out fellow Falkirk fans for spouting pish so don't get all uppety cause I called you out on it. I've already quite happily answered your question, it is an absolute no brainer despite you trying to twist it into something it's not. I don't expect anyone to keep track of my posting history on P&B so I won't expect you to know that I have indicated a genuine hatred of one club in Scottish football and it's not your precious club. What the actual f'ck is this pish? Any chance of that Lincoln link ?
  4. Cool, I'm not up to speed on Lincoln, any chance of a link? Whilst you didn't actually ask me I still rendered the 'question' null−and−void by proving you wrong on the 'hater' thing. If it's really terribly important to you that give you an answer to an absolutely no−brainer question then I will indeed be wanting the away team to win that night. It's hardly fucking rocket surgery. And all because I mocked your fanciful story of the Hibs fan.
  5. Quite, I also started one when you won League 1 BTW. Did he aye ?
  6. This is something I've read on here and elsewhere a few times now - apparently I'm shiteing it as well ! The only time I've been even remotely annoyed during this entire saga was when the SPL chairmen were bullying the First Division Chairmen into admitting 'Rangers' into the First, indeed they went so far as to say it was best for Scottish football if they actually won it as well ! I'm quite happy to see them go TBH (how do you spell 'shiteing' )
  7. McCoist and Lennon were on 5 Live discussing the 'return' a couple of hours back, fairly balanced chat TBF, the only bone I'd pick was with Lennon saying that McCoist had been treated terribly at 'Rangers' and that he wished it was Ally taking 'Rangers' up. McCoist was treated far from terribly, he'd have been punted far sooner if Rangers hadn't been liquidated and he was paid handsomely for his service ... which was fucking murder - I'd go so far as to suggest that 'Rangers' might not be going up under McCoist given he'd proved himself to be utterly inept.
  8. I'd be hopeful of a similar make-over for the Scot's lass when she gets out, she was always the more shagable and had absolutely tremendous bangers.
  9. Shaving cream used to have the Dutch translation on the side - 'Barbers Kum'
  10. Signs are a definite and I think there's a minimum height rule but Google gives conflicting results on that particular count.
  11. Yip - but that won't keep them out his garden, they'll just keep climbing his fence unaware that it's causing them harm when cleaning it off and causing a mess when they trail it through the house. I'm not unsympathetic - ours aren't the only cats around and last Summer our next door neighbour bought an automatic water sprayer to keep cats off his lawn - when Mrs Ned found out about it she offered them half the money and when they refused she gave them a bottle of wine.
  12. We have four cats and one of our near neighbours has a real problem with it - I've heard him shouting at them and very early one Sunday morning I saw him chuck a stone at one which had me shouting I'd be chucking stones at him (not my finest moment but hey-ho and all that) Anyhoo - he's just painted the tops of all his fences with anti-burglar paint and our cats are getting covered in it - auld c'nt!!
  13. McCoist would have been punted much, much sooner though. They wouldn't have replaced him with Warburton but most folk could have taken that budget and returned a reasonable finish.
  14. They'd just have chucked money at slightly better has-beens - they'd have been ok even with Ally at the helm.
  15. Yip - he took a step back, scanned the horizon, and saw Celtic - it's all he was ever likely to see - he's not the only one. I don't give a flying f'ck about Celtic, I'd much rather they'd gone tits-up, but them losing £10m a season is the exact opposite of Scottish Football being damaged - it's Scottish Football being improved. This long winding, tedious, journey 'Rangers' has been on has benefited a load of clubs that will make much more of their unexpected wee windfall than Celtic ever would have with yon £10m - and I'm ceratinly not saying that any of those clubs needed it, these are clubs that have stayed solvent for well over a century without seeing hide-not-hair of the Old Firm. Scottish Football is about to be about two muckle, narrow-minded, embarrassing and exceptionally ugly teams again - and it will remain that way - Scottish football is the poorer for it. Richard Gough got to find out where Annan was - he'll won't give them a second thought ever again.
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