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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Does anyone else go for flavours they'd like when choosing dog or cat food?
  2. The "football debt" was part of the 5 Way Agreement that would see 'Rangers' squeezed into the Third. Charles Green negotiated settlements with the relevent clubs in order to satisfy the agreement - some, or perhaps just one of the clubs (?), stated that whilst they regarded their debt with the Newco settled they would chase the Oldco for the outstanding money. I'm sure a Bear can/will clarify.
  3. Eh You've already been told to ignore him A handful of non−Rangers fans PMed you at an early stage to inform you that The King was to be strictly ignored remember: Or are you just a slavering c'nt ?
  4. See, Rangers fans get told all the time that they did nothing whilst their club died but the reality is they have − they've posted 'salty tears' 'seethe' 'hatred' etc etc on internet forums. That's all they had to do of course, 'cause whilst they were posting shite the authorities were doing all they could to keep them 'alive' like harping on about armageddon and social unrest, trying to squeeze them into the SPL, the First, then giving them a free ride into the Third and, of course, coming up with the club v company scenerio. The Rangers fans did all they had to do.
  5. Warburton has done a good job but 'Rangers' this season are just doing what we thought 'Rangers' would do on the 'journey', at the moment he's really just highlighting how shit McCoist was rather than how good he is. Let's see how he does against Celtic, even with Celtic being rather shit a win there would see him merit some recognition. FWIW I once heard Chick Young (yes I know) stating on the radio that the manager of the Season had to be the one who'd won the most trophies, I think at the time it that would have been Strachan, no amount of reasoning could sway him from this stance. Chick Young is a cock.
  6. Very pleased with that news, let's hope it's true.
  7. My post was relevant to discussion in this thread, indeed I even quoted a post to help folk out.
  8. I genuinely went a great many years with little knowledge of where and when the matches had been played or what the scores were. I won't miss another though because Kenny McDowell said that Scotland needs the fixture because 'it just makes it better' - was sold from that minute on.
  9. Hibs have maintained their Top Flight wage structure whilst in the Championship. That's around £2k per week btw
  10. I read a wee while ago that King is going to rescue Oldco from liquidation and make 'Rangers' the Traditional Rangers again, says it'll put and end to folk saying they're not Rangers anymore, The process must be quite advanced by now 'cause it was like September or something he said all that, I expect we'll get an update soon.
  11. I don't care − I had to listen to a close season of constant bitching and whining from a rather large contingent of complete and utter f'ckwits. Deal with it.
  12. The Blast Zone is Grangemouth chemicals rather than BP/Ineos. If you check Google Maps the land around the stadium is shown as 'Grangemouth' with the footprint of the stadium showing as 'Falkirk'. The Kelpies are in Grangemouth.
  13. Erm ... not exactly sure what the chuff your post is about but it sure looks cool. I assume, though I'm probably wrong, that yon normally closed board is now open because 'Rangers' haven't been Defcon 1 levels of embarrassment recently !?
  14. Sorry to see that you've not had a very good response to this. Brockville was like any other good old traditional football ground, I loved the place and can still smell it, but I can't really think of any interesting enough anecdotes for your blog. I'll add a couple of bits-and-bobs though The 3-2 game you mention should have finished 2-2 but Huge Phallus decided to let ICT's 'winner' count despite the ball going a fucking mile over the by-line in the build up 'cause he was a horrible c'nt of a referee who had a genuine dislike for the Bairns. c**t. First floodlit Scottish game to be shown on telly was from Brockville way back in nineteen-canteen. The furthest/longest kick of a football in football history occured during a game at Brockville, the ball sailed over the Hope Street end and was later found in Perth ... in the back of a goods train* On a personal note my favourite match at Brockville was most probably a win over Dunfermline in the early 90s - Dunfermline scored and their fans duly celebrated like f'ck, it took a moment or two though to twig that something wasn't quite right and Dunfermline cheers turned to Falkirk cheers when the goal was firstly disallowed ... and then a Dunfermline player (Neale Cooper) was sent off for a foul in the build up. Utter scenes There was a ghost at the Hope Street end, I'm sure someone can produce a photo. Also, when thinking back to Brockville, I can't help but think of a guy who stood along from me in the Hope Street end wearing a crash helmet - he did so for every game and for the full 90 minutes - not sure what he thought was going to happen Oh ... and Simon Stainrod knelt on the ball *quite possibly an urban myth/absolute bullshit.
  15. Maybe whoever booked the venue isn't one of these morons who can tell you which side of the embarrassing devide a business, person or establishment is.
  16. The comments at the bottom of that are just fucking horrific - what an embarrassing bunch of thick bigoted arseholes.
  17. As much as yon event sounds utterly fucking dreadful I still found myself wondering just what the f'ck it had to do with the Irish Post and why the f'ck they felt the need to bother Gazza's management about it. Do they report, and expect answers, from similar goings on thoughout the Globe - did they ask questions of Celtic after the Stranraer game ? And yes, I do believe I just indulged in a bout of whataboutery. F'ck off Irish Post!!
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