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Everything posted by Widge

  1. The irony being, that next to Ross Sinclair is a more mobile keeper than Parish!
  2. I know what some on here are going to say, but if we can’t persuade Mitchell that Perth is far better than anywhere else in the world. Which we all know is never happening, I’d be happy re-signing Joe Shaunessey to be honest, we know he can play in a 2 and a 3 and he’s still relatively sprightly compared to some of our defenders. We all know my thoughts on brining in Robbie Deas as well, but you’d have those 2, Gordon an ever aging Considine and McGowan as utility I guess. I’d be happy with that depending on your full backs.
  3. Without being funny, you’re going to get no sympathy from saints fans about being done over by poor decisions or VAR, Killie are the only team this season we haven’t had a poor decision against us. Don’t get me wrong, I think the first 2 you mention were the right decision, albeit marginal, todays game you have a grievance. Then again these things even themselves out “allegedly” and we’re due about 2 seasons worth of decisions to go our way. I feel sorry for Killie today, but that’s football, sometimes it goes your way others it doesn’t.
  4. That’s proper volleyball stuff from Considine. Bout time we had some luck to level out the amount of shite we’ve had against us. Still sounds like we’ve managed to get a point in a game we should have lost at a difficult place, so on one hand we should be happy. On the other, much larger one, yet another tally in the idiot in charges book. He’s absolutely hamstringing this team and destroying confidence all over the shop. If Spoony doesn’t start the next game, Davidson goes beyond how thick I thought he was, verging into Yogi Hughes territory.
  5. I guess we can say that Gallacher is never making it with us and will be on the way out in the summer with the current management regime.
  6. Aye, give Rudden a shot, based on his performances of the bench, he deserves it. Whilst not brilliant he at least looks like scoring occasionally. McLennan just can’t play up top and Bair is firmly 4th choice now unfortunately in my eyes. A wild take, with Considine again missing and no left footer to step in, play that back 4 that actually works! Then you can play Spoony, McLennan and 2 strikers in a formation that suits everyone!
  7. Could Ayr stop kicking Wee Max constantly, we’d like him back in one piece!
  8. I'm currently down south and have to fly back from Bristol Airport later. Apparently they've suspended flights until 11am today (not that I'm leaving until after 6pm), but you'd think it was the fucking apocalypse down here, the way they panic when there's less than an inch of snow is pathetic. Literally nobody is outside and they're all panicking about getting to various other places with less snow. I get this is nothing new, but it's so annoying to be here whilst the mass hysteria is taking place. I'm sure they've ransacked the supermarkets too!
  9. I think my ongoing frustration with us this season is the fact that we clearly have decent footballers who can get the ball down and pass it around. Ok we don’t have much pace in the team and that potentially makes us easier to play against, but it’s not a stretch to say that we are (as we all know) being hamstrung by a defensive, tactically deficient and scared manager. Ok the squad is aging, but buts got ability in it. So yeah I’m done with Davidson as manager and the thought of another season of this is pretty roughy to say the least!
  10. I’d agree. The stuff going forward has been good generally and we’re creating a variety of chances, but defensively we look poor again. The main issue and it’s not his fault is Brown and his lack of left foot. Go to a back 4 and we’d look more solid I’d wager. The hearts 72, Hill is so casual on it and May’s going to nick it off his toes eventually.
  11. Quite, there was literally no need to go mental over this. It's not like the first batch of tickets sold out instantly, they took days to sell. If the person had really wanted to go, they'd have gotten them the day they came out, or called Bev to get it sorted. Simple as that, total non-issue.
  12. Christ this is getting all a bit repetative and the respective supports are never going to agree on it - Was it intentional or Reckless - No Was it a natural movement and a normal place to land - Yes Did it catch Flynn high on the ankle - Yes Was it unlucky - Yes Was it a stick on red card with VAR - Absolutely it was, whether it should be is another debate Either way, no point in appealing, it won't go anywhere and 99/100 the referee gives the red card when he sees the slowmo that VAR provides, therefore I'm sure if the roles were reversed there would probably be the same arguements. I can get over the fact Phillips got sent off, the only thing to blame here is the pitch, as it caused the poor first touch in the first place and accidently led to him landing on Flynn's ankle in a manner that meant it was a red card. Maybe after this first year of VAR there will be a review of the many inconsitencies and issues with it, but whlist it's here we know what to expect, no point in arguing about it now.
  13. France aren’t used to this pressure at home recently and it’s showing! Despite the result whatever it is, the Scottish team deserve a huge amount of credit again, for essentially silencing Paris.
  14. The annoying thing about Spoony is, that when he has been given a chance (albeit limited) he’s been woeful, so I don’t blame Davidson for not starting him. What I can forgive is Carey getting the nod every single time over him, that’s wrong.
  15. I've been saying for months now we should be in for him. That being said, we bid cash for him in January last year and he wanted to make the move, so it only seems logical that we'll have been keeping an eye on him and speaking with his agent about his recovery you'd imagine. On the plus side, he's a player Davidson knows and wanted (a bit like RUdden) so that might be a good omen. We also never replaced Mahon in the squad and left sided centrebacks are rare.
  16. I mean it’s an interesting one. Our away record is so much better than our home one this season, so something has to change. Alternatively St Mirren are awful away from home, so the way to win is to go at them especially with their injuries.
  17. I find it staggering that outwith the Glasgow teams we’ve picked up 5 more points than any of the other teams away from home (conscious Hearts play today). But that also includes 2 more wins than any of these teams. It’s a real shame we’re so shit at home, cause if we had even average home form, we’d be fighting for Europe comfortably.
  18. Remember that United fan that said he’d rather have Middleton ahead of any of saints strikers, May included….
  19. Have we had a player who appears to just be a goal for our opposition like Carey! Every time he appears off the bench, we concede almost instantly.
  20. I hadn’t seen it back until today, but a moment of silence for the 3 Celtic players souls that left their bodies with Dan Phillips outrageous heel to heel flick! Someone get a gif made of that, Hatate’a face makes it!
  21. Levein was the one who brought him to Scotland and had him on trial at Hearts whilst he was still there. They didn't offer him anything so Levein offered him out to other clubs; including saints, who saw the potential and signed him. Part of it seems that Levein wants to prove he was right and that Hearts missed an opportunity; however he genuinely was right, there is ability there.
  22. I mean he looks about 14, so you better hope it's his quality, otherwise some serious questions need asked! In all seriousness, he needs game time and the few times he has played he didn't look short of ability or confidence, so he should be a good addition for you. Suspect he'll flourish in a team who has the ball a lot, as he's willing to take chances and see what will come off without fear which is always good to see. But he's also an absolute grafter and you won't be doubting his work ethic or commitment.
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