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Posts posted by Widge

  1. Apparently first time "thundersnow has fallen in 30 years" last time hit us with 27 inches of snow :(

    :lol: If that happens Dundee will be even more backwards than it already is.

    But seriously anything more than 3 inches in Edinburgh causes chaos, and I reckon it will head our way eventualy, so God knows what will happen.

  2. Hasnt stop snowing since about 1 0'clock this morning, where I am in Cramond, about an inch and a half with steady drizzle, all of a sudden its a fucking proper storm, cant see 10 yards in front of you at the moment, I should know I had to get a paper and came back like a snowman.

    Fucking freezing too.

  3. Fucking deadlines. I was under the impression that my Politics essay was in for tomorrow - so I've done it and it is ready to be handed in. Unfortunately this is not the case, rather it is my History essay that is in for tomorrow. I had the dates written down so I must have copied them down wrong (I'm a fucking idiot). In a vain attempt to get all my essays done before Sunday (I actually want to go to this final now County have a new manager) I'm pulling an all-nighter to get it done.

    Also have a Geography essay for Monday. I have tried for the past month to get books for the essay, to no avail. c***s don't put them back in on time or just seem to keep them for a while past the date they need to be back in for mad.gif

    Get the f**k off this then.

  4. Edinburgh Napier

    Best thing - hardly any Scots go to it, so you meet lots of different people.

    Worst thing - having to adapt to a sort of Pidgin English to try and be understood. It's also got a terrible reputation as a university!

    City - Edinburgh is gorgeous, we stayed in a nice new house in Newington. Great place to stay!

    Rating - 6/10

    I can testify for that, thats where I am now, I just dont get the reputation thing, I went because of the course and the way they help you, its a lot more interactive than the likes of Edinburgh.

    And yes there are a lot of people from far of, of the guys I have on my course, one is from Inverness, Isle of Skye, Manchester and I am sure there is a Latvian guy, and thats just to name a few.

    Being from Edinburgh I obviously lovve it, its always helpful knowing the place, as I feel like I have far superior knowledge to the other guys, which is always nice, so I know all the best places.

    Overall - 7.5/10

    Just a quick word of advice, dont be put off by a unis reputation, some have been around for ages, your Edinburghs and Glasgows, but more often than not thier methods are old fashioned, whereas the new unis are more up to date in teaching methods, i.e computerised. Go with your instinct of the uni, dont go for a name or reputation, go for the course and how you feel about the place, so if it were so easy, I would advise you to go without knowing the name, obviously thats not possible.

    Also make sure to go to as many open days as possible and always ask questions, dont just sit there too shy to ask, you wont get too far at uni by being shy and retiring.

  5. NEW POKÉMON! biggrin.gif

    Don't make it just me commenting on this thread.

    I don't know what to make of the new ones. They wouldn't go amiss in Digimon. Some of them look quite cool though. I'm already compiling a mental list of their names and who I want in my party of six.

    They all look the same frankly, however I am looking into buying this, but is that sad for a student, havent played one since I downloaded platinum, and that was really addictive however.

  6. Just had a wee look at my timetable for the first 13 weeks, its alright, however I am, in from 9 til 6 on a monday and 10-6 on a thursday, obviously with a couple of hours break, only othe class is an hour on thursday, so effectively get a 3 and a half day weekend with tuesdays off as well.

  7. Anyone every played on Shoddy Battle?

    It's basically an online battle simulator, where you make up your team and battle people. It's pretty good fun, it's everything that's good about wifi battling without the months of building up a perfect team with perfect EVs, natures etc.

    Anyway I was wondering if anyone would be interested in playing a tournament or something. Thought it could be pretty fun, you should have a look at it anyway.


    I havent played pokemon for ages, but I would be up for that, just out of intrest how large is the file, cause I will just download it tommorow.

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