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Posts posted by Widge

  1. Why would Andy cross the road to take a picture when he can take it from his own front door?

    I was actually talking about the glare on teh window of his house, but now you pointed that out, those people should get a serious talking to.

  2. 9 inches? Pffft!.... smile.gif


    There must be about a foot and a half in between the two cars where the snow has drifted too.

    TBH ours is about the same level as yours.

    Oh and have you got Christmas lights up already you sad fucker. :P

  3. Took me well over an hour to clear just a path through the driveway today, still no sign of gritters and snow plows where we are, plus both cars are buried in about 9 inches of snow, chances are I will be digging all weekend, at least I will be fit as a butchers dog by the end of it.

  4. Well guys I made it back home safely, unfortunately I have to go back in tomorrow. As of such, the council have forgotten about us, no gritters, no ploughs nothing, the snow is basically untouched where I am, its rediculous, I left the house for 7 hours today and the footprints I made in the drive we gone when I got back.

  5. The plants and the hedge and all the plants in our front garden are covered in snow,the snow in the back garden is right up to the top of the fence. The poor cat keeps sinking into the snow. :(

    :lol: sorry that is quite funny really, poor cat.

    The news is the worst though, watching a weather lady talking about watching the 10cm of snow around London, as it could make travelling tricky. FFS we have 4 times that amount and they are just brushing over it, its a bit of a joke really.

  6. Could at least try, or apply for an extension if you don't think you'll get it done? It's kind of exceptional circumstances, so they might be sympathetic. :P

    I'm quite glad we have the option of getting the deadline changed if need be. We had all 3 classes to be finished on the 6th, but managed to get our Web Development class deadline put back a week, as my tutor thought it was too much work to be doing to hand in on the same day, so I think I might be able to get it shifted from Monday to the Friday anyway, just to make up for the days we missed. Fingers crossed. :D

    The thing is the uni staff arent able to get into the place, so they cant process the stuff and wont know when it was handed in, since it will just pile up.

    And actually i should get it done today if I go in, its just a case of finding a computer with teh correct software, since only certain ones have CAD, well I hope to reort back later today with better news.

  7. It's a waste of time even trying to clear the snow here.

    I don't even think they have gritted the main roads around here at all,well the ones going down to Tesco on the Crieff Road don't look like they have been touched as there were a few trucks stuck in the snow down there the other day.

    Edit: Just to add,that some buses around the Letham area in Perth are getting stuck on the untreated roads.

    TBH its the same here, I gave up a couple of days ago, the little partition wall I have in my garden has just about disappeared, and thats almost a foot high and I had cleared it the other day. :(

    Just glad I aint having to go anywhere on Christmas

  8. More snow fell a few hours ago, as it seems to have now covered the 'bouncy' part of my nieces wee trampoline. My college is shut once again, making it unlikely that I'll finish my coursework for Monday. So, now I have to get in touch with our head of school and see if she can get the date shifted - apparently our dates are different from Napier, so we have room for changing them - fucking hope so!

    Whit, tbh you should get the date changed. I know mine wont be, but it looks like the computer facilities are open today, now just need to get through a foot of snow and get a bus.:(

  9. I've got my final coursework due on Monday, and if my college is shut tomorrow, there is f**k all chance of me getting it done. I need to use software only the college has, plus their filming and recording equipment. Couldn't the snow have just waited until next week? dry.gif

    Thats the same with me, albeit first year stuff, they really should just extend the deadline, althought they reckon it might be open tomorrow.

  10. Good thing I didnt bother going into uni today, it was closed, on the other side, I managed to clear over half my drive way in an hour and a half, problem is I turned round and the space I had cleared was already half way to where it was before. :(

    So I now have a hug pile of snow and a driveway that looks like a golf course with loads of bunkers in it.

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