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  1. Somebody on Hibs net let me know that more seats were released in the lower tier - looked like previously the front two rows in each section were not for sale - now are - and the far left section is now available - I hadn't realised they hadn't made available all of the lower tier. Possible the far right section - closest to M'well ultras has not been released for sale and that might happen later. Managed to get two tickets altho when I got my ticket the section I used - far left - is being snapped up - so still might be some difficulties for late purchase Hibbies.
  2. Tried to buy a ticket today - you have to go to Motherwell site. Hide end lower tier now sold out - I assume Well will now open top tier which hasn't been available so far - I will try later today. I'm told its print at home/download QR code etc. And could Well allow pay at gate on day?
  3. Hibs are not about to lose their autonomy - the stake Foley will be taking is under 30%.
  4. I'm a Hibs fan who happens to live in the West - not yet got myself a ticket for the game but intending to go - tickets via Hibs are not print at home/download QR code and now have to be collected from Easter Road. Is there likely to be the normal away ticket sale office close to the away end where I can just pay for a ticket on the night?
  5. Rangers and sectarianism - where do you start? I'm a Hibs fan who lives in Glasgow. And of course the vast majority of Rangers fans assume we Hibbies are "Celtics cousins" and thus must be of the Roman Catholic persuasion and support a United Ireland and the SNP! Is that fair to Rangers as club? I do go to Ibrox when Hibs are playing there and if my Hibs scarf is seen then my experience is of horrible sectarian abuse of the "****** bast***s" type. And do Rangers do much/anything to discourage this behaviour - I don't think so - there still seems to be a sense of entitlement around the Ibrox hierarchy - we are a Protestant Unionist club (despite adherence to religion falling massively) who support Queen/King and Country and that seems to dominate the clubs thinking. Sectarian chanting is all too common at Ibrox and is probably worse when Hibs are there due to how Hibs are perceived as the catholic enemy. I think sectarian chanting at Ibrox has declined from (say) 30 years ago but it is still too commonplace with the Club doing little about it. And Police Scotland, probably reflecting the make up of the west coast police just seem to accept these horrible hateful and illegal chants. Living in Glasgow I do come across plenty Rangers fans in non match situations - most folk know I'm a Hibbie but I try and avoid discussions on what Rangers are about. It usually ends up, if we get to discuss Rangers "values" the usual "whataboutery" - Celtic fans chanting in support of the IRA and Hibs fans being disrespectful to the Royal Family. Will it get better? A lot more, predominately young males seem to be supporting their local team via Ultras and maybe in the past they might have been Rangers or Celtic fans - so maybe that is possible an unconscious rebellion against the values of the Old Firm? Rangers fans need to want to make their club change and I dont see much sign of that - they seem to revile in being the Millwall of Scotland - nobody likes us and we dont care - with no attempt to understand why they are so disliked by most other football supporters.
  6. But at least big Doidge has never come out as a Tory voter
  7. Yes they can - only first home game of season wasnt available to away fans. Altho our next game v Dons is at Pittodrie?
  8. Govt dont administer Scottish football - SFA/SPFL do. SFA sentence I am sure will not impress Scottish Govt not penalise your club for irresponsible behaviour by your players. Let’s hope there is a points deduction to get the message home?
  9. Yes suspended for 3 matches but the suspension suspended until Feb next year and only activated if breach again. Seems they get off lightly as their behaviour lead to games being postponed - punishment seems very lenient?
  10. Yes the Hibees Irishness will have some influence on who supports us. My understanding is (and I could be wrong as I didn’t go to a catholic school) is that in catholic schools in the city Hibs are the main team supported with Celtic second and then the Jambos. My gut feeling is that maybe around 30-40% of Hibs fans might describe themselves as catholics altho probably a lot less attend Mass. The Jambos are the more middle class/ the establishment team in the city - one of their nicknames used by hibees is the bungalow bairns. Hibees are more left wing/ anti establishment/anti monarchy than the Jambos (we didn’t win the first world war!) but of course that might be a very crude generalisation and oversimplification of the situation. Hibs support might well be stronger in the more deprived areas of the city, which are more to North and East of the City like Muirhouse and Pilton although Leith has become quite a desirable part of the city to live in these days. The West and South of the City is more affluent - Corstorphine and Morningside for example but in the less affluent parts of “Hearts end” like Wester Hailes, Sighhill and Oxgangs my feeling would be there would be more Jambos altho quite a sizeable Hibee minority. Maybe a Jambo should offer his/her views to give “their” perspective? I have heard it said more fans in Edinburgh overall support the Hibees rather than Jambos but Hearts have more fans in the Lothians than us - Hearts having larger support in West Lothian and Midlothian than us - probably Hibs ahead in East Lothian. But this thread is about reconstruction and the Jambos going down!
  11. I’m a Hibs fan living in Glasgow but was borne and brought up in Edinburgh. I would say geography is the most important factor determining which of the city’s two teams you decide to support assuming you take an interest in football. So if you are in North and East of City tends to be Hibs and if you are in West and South of city more likely a Jambo. Maybe what team your dad supports is also a key influence as well as friends and family. Religion isn’t much of an influence - I think less than 15% of Edinburgh’s population is Catholic. I was brought up in the Southside of the City and aint a Catholic but my best mates at school were Hibbies thus the choice I made.
  12. Hibs were down for three seasons. Were we as unpopular as Dundee United seem to be? I know Hearts fans would be happy for us - is it just the same for United with Dundee fans rubbing it in and nobody else really that antagonistic towards United? (apart from maybe **** fans who seem to hate United along with Hibs for their supposed hard line re Rangers administration?)
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