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Everything posted by printer

  1. Yep. Lost the US Open to Federer after a rain delayed strung out semi-final victory over Nadal. He is a more mature player now and with his record against Fed he must have a chance in the final. Having said that it is Federer he is playing.....
  2. And I hope you are. Although bottle it is a bit strong I agree Murray needs to start delivering more in these games. I still feel his style needs to become more aggressive if he is to go on and win multiple slams and really do his talent justice.
  3. Both players showed why they are two of the all-time greats tonight. Higgins break to win was one of the best under pressure I have seen.
  4. Didn't see the game yesterday but wasn't surprised at the result. We are still very ordinary, despite the fluke result against the Aussies (brilliant organisation and defence acknowledged). With the lack of quality we have in an attacking sense, it seems to me we must ALWAYS start with Chris Paterson somewhere in the team so that we can maximise points from penalties (we ain't gonna get many from tries), whether that is stand off, wing or full back. Predictions for the six nations: a typical Frank Hadden campaign, winning 1 game (either England or Italy) and er...that's it.
  5. Surely this just backs up my point? Not sure there is there any evidence that the delay was because they didn't understand the rules fully. Was the delay not to be expected given the closeness of the results while the powers that be checked the situation? In any case, even if they didn't fully understand the situation, that doesn't IMO excuse the media. The rules are not rocket science. I heard the reporter on BBC Radio Scotland on Thursday morning making the point that Murray could win "and still go out" as though that were an incredible situation in sport, when it is pretty straightforward given the format of the event.
  6. Anyone else feel the media have been incompetent here? Part of their job is to inform us and they seemed totally confused as to what the rules were and how to apply them. They are not that complex. With the nature of the tournament this or a similar situation was always likely to arise. In particular the BBC are a joke these days. Dumbing down all over the place.
  7. The tabloids will really push this for Wimbledon. Especially if they do well together. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/2009/10/27/an...86908-21777212/
  8. The 1997 one is just about the best sport documentary I have seen. Some real characters (and hard men) in that squad.
  9. Couldn't agree more, especially if he is carrying an injury. How on earth is the second best singles player we have as bad as Dan Evans?
  10. Pity our football teams weren't the equivalent of Monty. Then we'd all have something to cheer about.
  11. Won't see it tonight as I have an early start tomorrow. Good luck Andy.
  12. All the evidence so far in his career would suggest he is most certainly up to it. Nadal is considered one of the great players and Murray has replaced him as number 2 in the world. It is distinctly possible that he will supplant Federer as number 1 in the not too distant future. As a nation we are not used to seeing our sporting heroes deliver consistently at this level. Personally I feel his Slams target this year has been to win the US Open, Wimbledon would have been a bonus.
  13. For me it's the one big question mark over his game. At times he could take the initiative more rather than standing far back and counter punching. He is doing fantastically well (who would have thought a Scot could go to number 2) but to fully develop and be as good as he could be I think he needs to work on that. Heh, what do I know?
  14. Yeah good luck. Incredibly consistent this last year.
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