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Busta Nut

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Posts posted by Busta Nut

  1. 1 minute ago, thisGRAEME said:


    I dunno. That you can finish 7th with more points than 6th really seems to upset folk, despite that it's clearly different things. 

    This bit always irks me, folk getting so wound up about this.

    I mean, there is a clarified point of when you need to be where. they don't just surprise use at random points saying "you're now bottom 6"

  2. 18 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    It's not so much that you're good, it's that others are bad.

    I don't think Adama Sidibeh is even 6ft yet he bullied one Hibs CB into being subbed off at halftime then toyed with the other 2. Bair should stroll it.

    Oh I know we're not "good". I wouldn't believe our hype that we could be decent either.

    As an aside by the way, IF we do manage to make top 6 yer 100% right I will be touting us for europe.
    Fickle n that.

  3. 1 hour ago, welldaft said:

    You are hard to please Busta. Sorry mate. But you are the kind of fan that could find us winning the Champions League a negative.

    Kettlewell is no saviour but he has worked miracles with the lowest budget we have had in years. 

    Let it go and accept you are a negative ninny whatever the circumstances. 


    I'm not really. But I get that it seems that way. I think this squad of players could be managed better. That's all.

  4. 10 minutes ago, 18May1991 said:

    I’m beginning to think you don’t like him. 

    There is a lot of apologist stuff goin on for him cos we've managed to scrape a lot of draws. In reality we're baws. Terrible to watch. He sticks with his weird 5-2-3 formation regardless of who's in the team or what changes he makes. The defence has been stinking all season and there's been zero attempt to rectify that. (I mean the centre, not the 18 WBs we signed). We go behind a lot, often against teams we could have beaten. 

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