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Busta Nut

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Posts posted by Busta Nut

  1. 28 minutes ago, Peil said:

    Same at my old place. Brother died in the Monday, my manager was on at me the Thursday saying I needed to come back Monday. "His hands were tied"

    Turned out the handbook said " recommend a week but open to interpretation depending on circumstances"

    Aye. As I said I was stupidly expecting some sort of compassion and understanding from them. 
    I emailed them in the evening telling them I was not happy with how it was handled and the lack of support I was getting. I recieved a phone call the next morning at half 9. 
    "Wasn't meant like that, take yer time" etc etc. I'm on compassionate leave until Friday and like folk have suggested, I'll be speaking to the doctors on Monday.
    I realise I've been a gullible fool thinking otherwise but it made me realise yer nuhin to these companies but a fucking number. If I died the mora I'd be forgotten next week and replaced in a fortnight. 

    How many weeks to the end of the Euros?


  2. 44 minutes ago, camer0n_mcd said:

    This and the Shaun Rooney talk from a few pages ago suggests that SOD will be away in the summer.


    24 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

    Unless there’s a project to transition SOD into the back 3 (which I wouldn’t be against)


    22 minutes ago, Antiochas III said:

    SOD could move inside.  Unless he wanting to try his luck with a nice pay packet elsewhere.


    17 minutes ago, StAndrew7 said:


    Aye, I think this would be my preference. It's been pointed out by a few that we do struggle to play the ball out from the back; he'd be ideal as a ball playing centre half of a three. Gives Davor/the ball winner in midfield an option to go back to for the out pass.

    Yeah I was also gonna say if we keep SOD he's a CB now. CB who can play RB.

  3. Cheers guys. 
    I reckon I've thought there'd be some sort of humane understanding from the work and that's been an error on my part. 
    I did fire them an email stating my case why the offer of 1 week was a bit short but with the time it'll take and with the mourning after I reckon I'll need a sick line anyway. 

    I'll sort it out.  

  4. I think my manager would have given 3/4 weeks nae hassle but she's went on annual leave for that amount of time.

    They've suggested sick leave which I didn't want to do but I think I am gonna fire in about 8 weeks. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

    Ross County play St Johnstone on the 15th so either of them can catch Motherwell but not both. 


    Congratulations  on making the top ten

    see you next season!


    1 minute ago, Archie McSquackle said:

    Did you miss us being declared safe at the weekend? 

    I hadn't bothered to check who St Johnstone's fixtures were against. I just assumed if they won all three and we lost all three we'd be back there but I see it now.

  6. Scott Bain is dogshite. always was and always will be. Looked semi decent at one small period cos he had a load of shots fired at him.

    Joe Lewis is shite anaw, a few of us heard that one a few months ago and prayed it never reared its head again. As someone said, made a million mistakes every one of them was "uncharacteristic". He's about 38 and been coaching Man U under 12s or suhin. Madness IMO.

    I reckon even if Kelly spoke to his defenders we'd be a few points better off. That's speculation on my part of course but I dunno how many centre halves I've heard say "my best period when I was at my best was when *Insert goalie* was behind me talking me through the games". I don't see Kelly doing that.

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