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Busta Nut

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Posts posted by Busta Nut

  1. 1 hour ago, capt_oats said:

    Aye. The only embroidery on mine is what's in the picture.

    I was just a wee guy anaw but my memory was that my Da got it from Fir Park. Which makes sense as it's where I got every other Motherwell shirt. As like @Swello I have memory of going up to that wee hatch in the main stand to get them.

    Sure the reason I didn't have one for the cup final was cos the afore mentioned wee shop had the additions and my Da asked me to choose and I couldn't. (I think much to his delight).

    I also mine the wee hatch and wee corridor on the main stand, stood in there a few times as players and manager went past while buying tickets wi ma Da. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Cedrics Mighty Well Army said:

    If I remember correctly (which I probably don't) the white one was available first but only from a shop in Bellshill.

    I was a wee guy but I am sure that was suhin like "McEwans Sports" on the main street. Maybe near the bank of scotland. 

    I am sure they had ones that said "winners" and "Runners up"under that bit about the final. 

  3. 16 hours ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

    Probably unlikely he hits a growth spurt now eh



    aye probably but I am pretty sure Dennis Rodman grew about 9 inches when he was 23 or suhin. Maybe there is hope for the wee man. 

    I dunno what my first kit was. I'd have to ask my faither and he's got a memory like a sieve, I'm interested to find out now but I imagine it'll something from the late 80s or 90/91. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, The Master said:

    I’m not sure that’s entirely right. 

    Referees are still being assessed from the stand, so if they make an incorrect decision they’ll still be marked-down for it even if VAR allows them to change their mind. 


    Just now, AJF said:

    It’s not something I have any stats for so I can’t say for certainty, but I think referees are shirking out of decisions more.

    I’d like to see the number of penalties awarded on average pre-VAR, and then compare this with the number of penalties awarded on-field post-VAR. I may be wrong, but I’d hazard a guess at the number awarded post-VAR on-field would be lower.

    Aren't they told to let the play run? it's not that they are shirking out of it, it's more they can let the game flow and then checks go on when needed. They won't be marked down for it either as this is how it is to be used. 

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