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Busta Nut

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Posts posted by Busta Nut

  1. 6 minutes ago, thisGRAEME said:

    I do this, and I'm aware I do this, but ultimately; we're kind of exactly where we're meant to be?

    We're actually alright to watch. We score fucking class goals regularly. We're an absolute shit show defensively. There's a bunch of really likeable players in the squad. Ups and downs.

    I think I said this on Monday's pod but the infuriating thing about us is that there's just enough about us to keep you coming back with just a wee bit of enthusiasm, which is inevitably misguided, and I think that's why so many people are so fucked off at this season.

    Yep I get that. The issues is some of the lows have been Mariana Trench low.

  2. I admit, I am all over the place with Kettlewell. I think he should have been binned weeks ago. But was willing to let him see out the season when we thought he was contracted to the summer. Then I was annoyed there was a sneaky contract and the first half last night was god awful. I'd have sacked him there. 
    The win soothed things and in the clear light of day, I know we aren't going to sack him anyway so I am back to wishing him well. Very much on the fence though.


    There is some amount of gymnastics taking place here though to put a good spin on the 2 wins out of 20 odd whatever it was. even now 3 in whatever. It's a stinking record regardless. 

  3. Here are the only ways I see this play out

    We sell the club, cos noone wants to give us money and have no control. We have a decent few years until someone gets bored/realises their plans won't make them money. At this point we either have a future equivalent of the "well worth saving" campaign and see where that leaves us or worst case scenario we lose the club.

    Or we continue as we are. See where that takes us.

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