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Busta Nut

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Everything posted by Busta Nut

  1. Busta Nut

    Sons of Anarchy

    Stop trying to point score. Just cos I didn't enjoy the show as much as yourself.
  2. Also, Kylo Ren is the only one who's part of the Skywalker bloodline eh?
  3. Man, I like Star Wars. You lot love it though. I am onboard with this film.
  4. I don't think Cottan being alive is great so I am hoping it's not true
  5. Does anyone play any games on their mobile devices? I am always looking for wee time wasters. Got into Golf Battle recently. Decent wee crazy golf game v others with a fast pace.
  6. So what's the deal? Dodgy Aussie in dodgy rape stuff who also happens to expose USA being USA?
  7. Binged this until this evening. Now have to fucking wait..........
  8. when I was about 15 Iain Durrant told me he was gonna break my nose.
  9. How many guys are involved in the podcast cos anytime I have listened there seems to be about 12 of them. Why is there just a few doing the TV show?
  10. I can't mind if it's been mentioned but why the f**k do burds wear shoes they can't walk in? If I was to cripple myself with my shoe choices I would seriously review them. Not burds though, no. They want to be unable to walk 300 yards or to do so at the pace of a fucking snail cos we previously walked 200 yards an hour ago. I get a red neck when asking a taxi to take us less than a kilometer.
  11. Sparra is joined by Busta and Jay to look back upon fixtures against St Johnstone, Aberdeen and Rangers. There’s also plenty of surrounding issues around all three games that get our full attention. https://www.mfc1886.com/mfc-podcast-2018-19-episode-33/
  12. With us playing you on Sunday, she's working so I will get a morning/lunch/walk to her car on the route home call cos she thinks I will be doing nothing.
  13. Like yerself I can't believe folk watch the "champions league". It's horibble.
  14. It looks like she's had her tits done and it's making her look weird.
  15. Although it's not ideal scenario this is perfect for a skive. Drop from 40 hours to 20, get paid FT wage and do what you please for 2 years during "work time".
  16. Bit late on this sorry. I generally hate Country music. See if it has one of those weird stories in the tune though, I love it.
  17. Dundee is also full of smelly musical type folks. So I bet there's loads of attention seeking p***ks play it up there also.
  18. Said it afore but I can generally sit on my laptop and watch the telly 100% fine. Don't always do it but it's no surprise to see me like that and it's usually only when I agree to watch a crap film or TV series she suggested. This seemed to annoy her cos anytime she does it on her phone she's miss half the story or not know who folk were and I go in the huff answering her questions in a condescending manner which in turn sends her into a huff. We have heard a lot of chat about Line of Duty recently so we decided to sit down ands watch it. 7 years late but we watched the first 2 episodes with no hassle. from about ep 3 she had decided to speak at every tension building moment. Not just a comment, like to tell me what "Stacey" at her work said to "Linsey" about her boss. The resulting pause and rewind doesn't please anyone.
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