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Busta Nut

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Everything posted by Busta Nut

  1. 101 on yer phone mate, straight to the boabies.
  2. Got my bike fixed today, went out and snapped a chain, fixed it, it snapped again so I went to the shop to get a replacedment, turns out the teeth on my cog thing at the back were bent and snapping my chain. Sorted now and done a wee 11 or so miles all in today. Wee bit saddle sore after so long out.
  3. I have phoned a bike shop, taking it to them in about an hour for it to get fixed, been about 9 months, poor show from me, let's do this!
  4. ^This ETA: Thought I read somewhere that Christy had a broken jaw and eye socket. Who was the other bloke? Seems he came home to propose and caught her fucking about. then literally started breaking faces
  5. I will give DeathNote a go now, few anime's on the AMerican/Canadian Netflix's. will check them out
  6. where is she from? I want to hit her with ganting patter
  7. Craigslist is a surefire way to get murdered. "Just want to suck your dick at my house" = Stabbed in my basement, Fred West style
  8. Jon Jones and DC just had a wee scuffle http://www.mmafighting.com/2014/8/4/5968131/jon-jones-daniel-cormier-fight-at-ufc-178-media-day
  9. What about the wee lesbian bit? I was cringing
  10. Not having that, yer aff yer fucking trolley if you honestly believe that. She's good on 8 out of 10 cats do countdown anaw.
  11. After replying to the first 4 folk my phone went mental. Had to turn it aff
  12. I saw big Ugonna, There are loads of whores. seem to be 1 mile away when in the city centre
  13. Bought this on sunday, finished it today, amazing only took me a year
  14. That thing popped up on mine anaw, I think she was actually alright in her other photos.
  15. Faces and names covered to protect thi innocent
  16. Here how I started a chat with a lass yesterday
  17. I am getting a shit load of hockey/rugby players over the last day or two. (Female). Commonwealth influence?
  18. Am I too late to join? ETA: What you playing this on?
  19. I don't think it has the correct distances on my phone, I had one tell me she was less than a KM away, while it said she was 6 miles away on my phone
  20. Had a few matches recently but nane of the birds strike up a convo, I would like them to for a change
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