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Busta Nut

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Everything posted by Busta Nut

  1. That was belting until folk tried to jump on in
  2. just clocked this, I like how it is the moronic ones you have bagged
  3. Slipped on a wee bit of ice and have done my calf, Think a trip to A&E is in order here.
  4. There is a bawbag called @Ricki187187 who has been trying to talk to everyone who is tweeting scotrail, get that c**t abused
  5. Some of the things folk moan about are moronic, sometimes it is even just the way they moan about it
  6. Just hit this c**t with a metal pole during the dark winter
  7. I have a hardtail MTB. but I have put gatorskins on it and average about 13mph. Gonna go out the mora for a few miles
  8. Robert Whiteford lost. Hettes was good though
  9. That missing lassie was found apparently.
  10. true. But if she's deed I doubt I will be back with that account
  11. someone missing for 16 hours, a 17 yo girl. I suggested she was just oot getting pumped and all hell broke loose
  12. My phone went about 300 times in 5 minutes so I tried making it private but it still kept going. Full of folk calling me a w****r
  13. f**k that, Have had to deactivate my account as My phone won't stop going. Protecting my tweets didn't work either so I just juked it. will get it back in a few days I suppose
  14. Is it me or does Trevor rape that Floyd guy?
  15. Whjat is with everyone posting "so and so has been missing since yesterday, share this blah blah" Newsflash! they're either on benders or end up dead
  16. I watched the full thing, was a very entertaining evening, great finishes on a number of fights, comebacks the lot!
  17. I am trawling my way through this on youtube again incase I missed something the first time round, but it really is chronic
  18. this daft bint post one of these almost everyday https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=619230348098544&set=vb.100000347532788&type=2&theatre
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