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mighty meadow

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Everything posted by mighty meadow

  1. Been listening to a lot of African music recently. Don't have a clue what they are singing about but the rhythms and melodies stand up on their own.
  2. The author, John Boyle tells the story of his school days growing up in Ferguslie Park, Paisley. At school he is ashamed of where he lives but at home he is thought of as a snob because he wears a school uniform. His loneliness and alienation is tempered when he meets a new friend, Laff who is in exactly the same position. They become the best of friends just as Rock n Roll hits Scotland and the boys become old enough to discover girls, alcohol and .... dancing. Pretty funny in places and sad in others but an easy book to read. Now reading ...
  3. Got this for a £ yesterday. I'll give it a bash now.
  4. I actually felt sick after I had finished drinking the above. Not sure if the tea was to blame but it was a horrible feeling. Anyway had a camomile and spiced apple tea earlier (very Christmassy) and now having a Twinings orange, mango and cinnamon.
  5. Managed to find the book Basically a touring diary by Fife musician James Yorkston. No sex, drugs and rock n roll in here but all the better for it. An honest and sometimes funny account of life on the road of a solo artist. You can almost feel the loneliness at times as Yorkston travels around Northern Europe, guitar in hand and merchandise in bag. This won't win any literary prizes but a nice wee read to pass a few hours. Now reading ... Laff by John Boyle. Irish boy growing up in Ferguslie park and his friendship with a boy called Laff. Not long started reading it but seems ok so far.
  6. Aye, love it but only ever see it in Wetherspoon's pubs. Hope it hits the supermarkets soon.
  7. Not a massive fan of the band or this genre of music in general but willing to give it a listen for the princely sum of £1 (another charity shop buy). Might struggle to get all the way through this one though
  8. I'm listening to one of their albums right now which I bought for £1 in the local charity shop yesterday.
  9. Read this last week. Quite disturbing story of an Aberdonian man conscripted into the army during World War 2 and his treatment as a prisoner of the Japanese. Onto something completely different now ... Really enjoying this touring diary type book by the brilliant James Yorkston. Would have finished it today but alas I seem to have lost it. Hopefully I have left it in work yesterday, if not I'll need to buy another copy just for the last chapter
  10. Yeah, it mentions The Wire on the cover of the book. That wasn't a major issue in me reading the book to be honest as although I've heard it is great TV I must be one of the few who has never watched a single episode
  11. Need to get that. I read 'Kill Your Friends' a while back after realising that the author was a guy I went to school with and lived on the same street as for years. Just finished The way Home by George Pelecanos this morning. Got it for 75p in the local charity shop and mostly read it on journey to and from work. First book I've read by the author but enjoyed it enough to look out more of his stuff. 7/10
  12. Another 'Silver Jews' album from the local charity shop.
  13. Guided By Voices - Bee Thousand Bought it for a £ in a charity shop yesterday. Wasn't sure what to expect but it's pretty amazing. Also bought ... Silver Jews - Tanglewood Numbers Galaxie 500 - This Is Our Music The Beta Band - S/T Sigur Ros - Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do All £1 each
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