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mighty meadow

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Everything posted by mighty meadow

  1. Anyone who watches TV will recognise this, although maybe not this version
  2. Finished this last Sunday ... Iraq veteran Spero Lucas finds things or to put it another way, he recovers stolen property. a crime boss hears of his successes and hires him to find his packages of drugs which have gone missing. Lucas is a new character for Pelecanos and I'm sure we will see a series of books featuring him. Typical Pelecanos I suppose, still set in Washington DC with a lot of the same themes as previous books but that's no bad thing. 7/10 - Finished reading this last night ... Don't really think this one needs any introduction. 8/10
  3. Super Furry Animals - God, Show Me Magic!
  4. Back on the coffee. Might nip out for a couple of beers later
  5. The Wedding Present - Everyone Thinks He Looks Daft
  6. I would like to try that. I also prefer malts and as I'm off work tomorrow I'll probably have a few tonight but right now I'm drinking instant coffee.
  7. I bought 'the Third Anti-Christ' as part of Asda's 2 for £7 book deal without realising it was the final part of a trilogy so borrowed this from the local library. I would probably never have given this a 2nd look otherwise but it ended up quite an engrossing and very enjoyable read. Basically it's a race to find some lost Nostradamus prophecies set among France's Gypsy population. 8/10 Finished the above yesterday morning and started reading this from the author of 'the Godfather'. American Intelligence Officer sets out to avenge his torture and near death at the hands of seven Gestapo officers. I was really looking forward to this after reading the inside cover but it really is very disappointing. The book isn't long enough to give any real depth to the characters and the manner in which the American manages to extract his revenge is all too simple and unbelievable. I bought 'The Godfather' earlier in the week and I'm hoping it's far better than this. 4/10
  8. I've got a feeling ... that at the end of the day there are going to be more than a few very, very disappointed people on here. All these 'tick tock' and 'are they dead yet' posts could just turn out to be a total waste of time and effort. And that's not to mention all the money wasted on ice-cream and popcorn.
  9. Just bought the album 'Lights Out'. This is one of the singles from it ...
  10. Watched this last night for the first tine ... Not Tarantino's best but a decent late night bloodfest all the same. 7/10
  11. callumblair .... this very specific rumour!!! Did it specify 4.45pm THIS tuesday or NEXT tuesday?

  12. Super Furry Animals - Rings around The World
  13. Japanese man hears a muzak version of Norwegian Wood on an aeroplane and is taken back to his college days and his love of two completely different (in every sense) girls. Pretty much a 'love triangle' story but very dark in places and brilliantly written or perhaps translated. 8/10
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-wcEnG9vqg
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