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mighty meadow

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Everything posted by mighty meadow

  1. Good to see the not so dandy Dons AND the Plastic Whistle both getting humped today :-)

  2. The Mrs. was looking at slow cookers in Tesco yesterday. Think we will be buying one this weekend. Probably won't be spending too much on it as it could end up just another cupboard filler. Anyone have any recommendations (or ones to avoid) on make, model, where to buy etc.? Thanks
  3. Backed 4 draws tonight. 3 up ... Anzhi scored in 93 mins to beat me :-)

  4. Backed 4 draws tonight. 3 up ... Anzhi scored in 93 mins to beat me :-)

  5. Just watched the Classic Albums - Transformer documentary on Sky Arts. Been in my top 10 album list for years, never gets boring or dated.
  6. f**k me! Saturday afternoon and I'm in the hoose watching shinty/hurling :-0

  7. Father Ted Fawlty Towers Still game The Young Ones Sportscene
  8. What's happened to the NSFW forum? Has it gone?

  9. Echo Beach far away in time ...

  10. 750ml bottle of Tesco's Finest Belgian Wheat Beer.
  11. Stones Ginger Joe alcoholic ginger beer with ice.
  12. The Chessmen by Peter May Final book in the 'Lewis' trilogy. Got me interested in this tragic piece of maritime history http://www.sunnygovan.com/PLACES/Clyde/TheLolaire.html Really enjoyed this series and will no doubt be looking out for his earlier books now.
  13. I like the 'black cherry' stuff by Bulmers. Tried it first time on a cycle round Arran when anything wet and drinkable would have been most welcome but have since tried it again and yeah, it's nice. Right now I'm drinking this ...
  14. Racism on 'What Are You Drinking?' thread. Only on P&B
  15. Just done round the Island, about 57 miles in total. Fancy trying the figure of 8 sometime but will probably be next spring unless we get a calm autumn.
  16. I'm thinking of doing the 'round Arran' cycle again next week, weather depending. Gie's a wave if you see me
  17. On holiday 'til the 26th - What to do?

  18. Been trying to get into The Chessmen by Peter May for the past few days but also get interrupted. Hopefully get into it today.
  19. Have you read anything by Gordon Ferris? His 'Douglas Brodie' series, The Hanging Shed, Bitter Water and Pilgrim Soul* is set in post-war Glasgow/Kilmarnock and are highly recommended. *I've only read the first 2, the last one was released very recently.
  20. Tell me more ... I really don't know much about Millar but as always with these type of books I was wondering how much to believe. Just finished reading Cold Grave by Craig Robertson Glasgow copper opens up an investigation into a 'cold case' murder that happened in the 90's. First book I've read by this author but was gripped from start to finish and finished it in no time. Very good indeed 8/10
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