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mighty meadow

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Posts posted by mighty meadow

  1. MGMT - Congratulations

    It's a mess.

    But I think I like it.

    Aye, it's a bit strange isn't it? Oracular Spectacular MkII it certainly isn't. I think it will take a few more listens but I get the feeling it could end up being considered a classic.

  2. Excellent choice.

    As underrated artists go, he's well up there.

    Having a wee trawl through Spotify while the missus is watching that awful programme 'The Door'.

    Been checking out some of the stuff recommended on P&B as well as stuff mentioned on this thread which I haven't heard before.

    Listened to a Decemberists track earlier which was pretty impressive. I think it may have been you that mentioned them previously?

    Richard hawley, I have heard quite a lot of and really like but don't own any of his solo stuff. Going through to Glasgow tomorrow, might have a look for his albums when I'm in Fopp.

    Currently listening to ...

    Belle & Sebastian : The Model [Live]

  3. Does it sound like Sigur Ros or is it a bit different?

    You will recognise it as the voice of Sigur Ros straight away but it is probably a bit poppier and dare I say, a bit more song orientated. It is very good though and will appeal to fans of the band as well as possibly appealling to a slightly wider audience.

  4. Just Spotified that there. That's quality.

    When's the album released?

    Edit - 5th April. I'll be buying that.

    Don't think you'll be disappointed, the full album is superb. There's another track called 'Boy Lilikoi' that stands out along with 'Go Do' but the rest of the album isn't far behind in terms of quality.

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