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mighty meadow

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Posts posted by mighty meadow

  1. Just read The Unburied Dead by Douglas Lindsay. It's a novel about a detective in Glasgow, on the hunt for what they think is a serial killer.

    Not bad, not extremely well written though in my opinion. If it had been set anywhere else I'd probably have chucked it halfway through, but the mention of streets and places where I lived for 20 years kept my interest. As well as some genuine laugh out loud moments as he uses Scottish banter sporadically.

    I was imagining some American potentially reading it trying to understand what "napper" and "heed the baw" meant.

    Got it free on the Kindle store so can't begrudge that.

    I think he's going to write a series of books using the same character, so I'll look out for the next one.

    I will now give the above book posted by mighty meadow a go. I like books set in places I know/can relate to. No real reason, it just interests me.

    Have you read anything by Gordon Ferris? His 'Douglas Brodie' series, The Hanging Shed, Bitter Water and Pilgrim Soul* is set in post-war Glasgow/Kilmarnock and are highly recommended.

    *I've only read the first 2, the last one was released very recently.

  2. His choices have always been inspired by a desire for money and fame.

    A horrible hypocrite and a liar of a man.

    Tell me more ...

    I really don't know much about Millar but as always with these type of books I was wondering how much to believe.

    Just finished reading Cold Grave by Craig Robertson


    Glasgow copper opens up an investigation into a 'cold case' murder that happened in the 90's. First book I've read by this author but was gripped from start to finish and finished it in no time. Very good indeed :)


  3. Finished reading 'Racing Through The Dark - The Fall and Rise of David Millar'


    First sports book I've read in years and one of the best. Brutally honest and well written. I didn't feel much sympathy for Millar after reading the book and I don't think that was his intention but I did end up understanding how he made the choices he did.

    Well worth a read. 8.5

  4. Decided at the last minute to go out on bike today. Done just over 38 miles to Largs and back. Wasn't looking to break any records but for first real run-out on this bike was quite happy with around 3hrs. Quite a few hills along the way and got held up on some of the cycle paths / promenades by families out enjoying the sun. Some lovely views over the Cumbraes to Arran with loads of wee boats out around Fairlie, think there may have been a race or something on. Thought I was going to get caught in a downpour or storm as it got really dark around Saltcoats on the return but apart from a few spits of rain it was dry all the way. Legs are a bit sore now but wrists are f*****g killing me :) Feels good to have done some exercise rather than sitting on the couch or in the pub all day.

  5. I'd considered buying a Felt before I opted for my current bike. They produce bikes for the pros, so it won't be rubbish, I wouldn't have thought. I'm pretty sure that even their lower bikes are highly regarded.

    Bought the 'Felt' tonight. Only had a wee run on it so far to bring it home but feels really good. Think I got a genuine bargain :)

  6. Nice, but September is when the shops usually start discounting stock ready for next year's models so watch out for some bargains. I got my Tricross last year for £550 instead of £750.

    That's handy to know as I'm looking to upgrade and September-ish should be about the perfect time, money wise.

    Been looking at 2nd hand bikes over the last week or so in case there's any bargains to be had. Anyone ever owned a 'Felt' (brand) bike? I've never heard of the make before but saw one on eBay that fits just about every aspect of what I'm looking for. Would be good to hear some feedback from any owners though.

  7. Done a charity bike run round Arran with a mate at the weekend. Have to admit, I totally underestimated the hills. Cycled 55 miles on the Friday in heavy rain and strong wind, soul destroying stuff. On the way back down the big hill leading into Lochranza it felt like someone was power washing my eyes with hailstones. It was pretty exciting though. Finished the last 22 miles on Saturday which was up/down, up/down all the way. The uphill sections after Kildonan, Whiting Bay and Lamlash were more than made up for by the downhill sections though. This was easily the furthest I have ever cycled but the soakings, wind lashings and pain were all worthwhile as it looks like we have raised between £600-£700 for Yorkhill.

    Oh, and we done every single mile in gorilla onesies! (part of the strategy to get people to sponsor us but which will never, ever be repeated :) )

  8. Just finished reading Pack Men by Alan Bissett which follows a group of old friends as they travel down to Manchester for the UEFA cup final between Rangers and Zenit. Nearly stopped reading about quarter of the way but struggled on and ended up reading the last half in a couple of sun-soaked hours. The football takes a back seat once the story really gets started and ends up as a good old-fashioned tale of friendship through adversity.


  9. Too bad. I know where you're talking about, but haven't cycled that part. Last year I cycled to the Ardrossan ferry, but after all the meandering through Irvine, I took my chances on the by-pass for the bit to the Pennyburn roundabout - maybe it's safer than the cycle path!

    The cycle path is usually safe enough, just unfortunate that I was on the same stretch at the same times as that idiot :) No real harm done though!

  10. Had my first bike related accident this morning. Nothing too serious thankfully although my left shoulder is pretty painful and I'll probably have a black eye in a few hours.

    Some idiot came haring down a hill and round a blind corner just as I was comimg the other way. Thankfully we both braked just in time before there was a collision but the other guy came flying over his handlebars and smacked right into me. It all seemed to happen in slow motion but was obviously a lot quicker as I had no time to avoid this 'flying idiot'. The only good thing, if you can call it good, is that I reckon the other guy probably came off slightly worse than I did. I know motorists get a lot of stick from cyclists at times but I've had a few near misses since I took up cycling again in the last couple of months and it's always been anther cyclist(s) involved.

  11. Went out a wee run yesterday on my old mountain bike. Mainly followed the cycle track from Kilwinning through to Barassie. Weather was pretty much in my favour so was pretty enjoyable although the old legs did get a bit tired a mile from home. Overall done just under 23 miles. Need to up it a bit before doing my Arran run.

  12. Some free (legal) downloads from bands playing at Primavera.


    Just been making a playlist of the bands I'll be seeing at Primavera Sound in a week or so. It contains Bob Mould, Camera Obscura, Daniel Johnston, Deerhunter, Dinosaur Jr, Jesus & Mary Chain, King Tuff, Mac DeMarco, Meat Puppets, My Bloody Valentine, Parquet Courts, Thee Oh Sees, White Fence, Wild Nothing.

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