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mighty meadow

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Posts posted by mighty meadow

  1. Interesting read. Have seen James singing a few times with or supporting Scott from Frightened Rabbit and he's a very intense performer. Not sure I could handle a full TS gig at that level of intensity but then it could be brilliant. Anyone seen them live? I love the song 'Splinter' off the Fruit trees foundation thing they all did.

    I saw them live on the BBC Stage at T in The Park (2009?). It was on a tiny stage and the band were only a few feet away. I genuinely walked away exhausted at the end of the 30 minute set. Intense was the only way to describe it.

  2. 9781846687365.jpg

    This is only the second book I've read by Pelecanos but as it was written about 15 years before my last one (The Way Home) there is a massive difference in the writing. Shoedog tells the story of a drifter called Constantine who after travelling light around the world for many years ends back in his homeland and very quickly gets involved with some shady characters and a robbery that goes seriously wrong. In his afterword the author states that the book was by design, very short and meant to be read perhaps in 'one long afternoon' which isn't far off the mark. There are echoes of Tarantino in this book, with many cultural references, particularly 70's soul and funk music and there is probably the basis for that type of film in the story. Certainly not the best book I've ever read but perfect for a long bus/train journey and quite interesting on a personal level to see the writing change so much between the 2 books I've read.


  3. small-island-andrea-levy.jpg


    Based mainly on four characters, 2 Londoners and 2 Jamaicans this book is set around the time of World War 2 with flashbacks to the characters' lifes pre-war. At times this book is very funny, at times sad and very disturbing in parts but throughout the writing is superb and quite unique. It would probably spoil the book if I was to get into too much detail but the general synopsis is '2 Jamaicans looking to reach Motherland England looking to find 'streets paved with gold' only to find on arrival a dirty, run down capital city which has been destroyed by enemy bombs during the war'. This is one of the few books I have ever read where I have slowed down halfway through as I really didn't want it to end. Although it was published in 2004 it is still widely available and well worth reading.


  4. laff.png

    The author, John Boyle tells the story of his school days growing up in Ferguslie Park, Paisley. At school he is ashamed of where he lives but at home he is thought of as a snob because he wears a school uniform. His loneliness and alienation is tempered when he meets a new friend, Laff who is in exactly the same position. They become the best of friends just as Rock n Roll hits Scotland and the boys become old enough to discover girls, alcohol and .... dancing. Pretty funny in places and sad in others but an easy book to read.

    Now reading ...


  5. Whittards Green Tea with Mint.

    Lovely :)

    I actually felt sick after I had finished drinking the above. Not sure if the tea was to blame but it was a horrible feeling.

    Anyway had a camomile and spiced apple tea earlier (very Christmassy) and now having a Twinings orange, mango and cinnamon.

  6. 333.jpg

    Really enjoying this touring diary type book by the brilliant James Yorkston. Would have finished it today but alas I seem to have lost it. Hopefully I have left it in work yesterday, if not I'll need to buy another copy just for the last chapter :(

    Managed to find the book :D

    Basically a touring diary by Fife musician James Yorkston. No sex, drugs and rock n roll in here but all the better for it. An honest and sometimes funny account of life on the road of a solo artist. You can almost feel the loneliness at times as Yorkston travels around Northern Europe, guitar in hand and merchandise in bag. This won't win any literary prizes but a nice wee read to pass a few hours.

    Now reading ...

    Laff by John Boyle. Irish boy growing up in Ferguslie park and his friendship with a boy called Laff. Not long started reading it but seems ok so far.

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