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mighty meadow

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Posts posted by mighty meadow

  1. Finished this ...


    From Amazon ...

    The Number One bestselling crime thriller from the award-winning Stuart MacBride. A bloody, brilliant and brutal story of murder, kidnap and revenge.Detective Constable Ash Henderson has a dark secret…

    Five years ago his daughter, Rebecca, went missing on the eve of her thirteenth birthday. A year later the first card arrived: home-made, with a Polaroid picture stuck to the front Rebecca, strapped to a chair, gagged and terrified. Every year another card: each one worse than the last.

    The tabloids call him 'The Birthday Boy'. He's been snatching girls for twelve years, always in the run-up to their thirteenth birthday, sending the families his home-made cards showing their daughters being slowly tortured to death.

    But Ash hasn't told anyone about Rebecca's birthday cards they all think she's just run away from home because if anyone finds out, he'll be taken off the investigation. And he's sacrificed too much to give up before his daughter's killer gets what he deserves…

    Personally I struggled to get through this. The story was unbelievable, I didn't really care about any of the characters. As soon as a certain character was introduced I guessed they were the culprit and halfway through I just wated it to finish.


    Now reading this ...


  2. The Lewis Man is part of a trilogy.

    You should really read The Blackhouse first, for it to make more sense. I've read both. I liked The Blackhouse, but found The Lewis Man harder work, and pretty dull.

    ^^^ agree with above, 100% ^^^

    I will wait until The Chessmen comes out in paperback so I can complete the trilogy. Hoping it's more like the 1st book than the 2nd.

    Currently reading 'Birthdays For The Dead' by Stuart MacBride. Struggling to get into it though read a good few chapters last night.

  3. Ledaig 20 year old

    Found this in the kitchen cupboard a wee while back. No idea where it came from but it was responsible for getting me into malts.

    Had a look for some info online at the time and all I could find was a bottle for sale on 'Royal Mile Whiskies' site for over £300.

    Not the most complex of malts, hints of citrus, bit peppery, seaweed, vanilla or butterscotch sweetness and a subtle smokiness.

    Still got 3 or 4 drams left in the bottle but when it's gone, it's gone. There's no chance of me paying that sort of money for any drink, no matter how good it is.

    There are other Ledaig bottlings available and I saw the standard 10year old in a small grocery shop in Saltcoats at the weekend for under £18 so I might give that a try sometime.

    Distillery: Tobermory

    ABV: 40%

    Discountinued but bottles turn up now and again on specialist sites at a fair old price.

    My Rating. 7.5

    A good introduction to the islands whiskies if you happen to find a bottle lurking in your kitchen cupboard.


  4. Great thread Colin (and all those who contributed).

    My Top 10

    01 Underworld –Dubnobasswithmyheadman

    02 The KLF – Chill Out

    03 Keith Le Blanc – MajorMalfunction

    04 Kraftwerk – Trans-Euro Express

    05 Leftfield – Leftism

    06 The Orb - The Orb's Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld

    07 Death In Vegas – Dead Elvis

    08 Boards Of Canada – Music Has TheRight To Children

    09 Can – Tago Mago

    10 Brian Eno – Ambient 1 : Music ForAirports

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