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Posts posted by jamamafegan

  1. St. Johnstone have been taking their diehard supporters for a ride for years now but it's become incredibly apparent this season.

    £24 quid for an adult ticket to watch Scottish Football (which is a woeful standard at the best of times, dogshit at present) during a cost of living crisis.

    Not enough food and drink supplies for fans on a match day.

    Painfully slow service at cafeteria and no signage to say "no hot food left."

    Pishy wee ancient TV's in said cafeteria which used to show Sky Sports News - not switched on/working anymore

    Not enough matchday programmes.

    Tired, depressing stadium in dire need of a facelift.

    Shitey wee excuse of a club shop in a box room.

    Cash only gate has no option to pay by card, despite us living in the 21st Century. 

    Halftime entertainment appears to be non-existent going by my last two visits.

    The list no doubt goes on.

    And now this Scottish Cup fiasco just sums it all up. Now the club want even MORE money out of you for the privilege to experience the points made above - with the added incentive of being punted from your home stand to accommodate more away fans.

    The club has enjoyed incredible success in recent years but has done nothing to build on this for the future and continues to this day to take its loyal supporters for granted.

    What a joke. Fair play to all the regulars still going to McDiarmid every second week - I think you're off your heads.

  2. 16 minutes ago, SJFCtheTeamForMe said:

    If the club is not suitable without giving Rangers 3 stands then there's other questions to be asked regarding the day to day running. Especially as this game isn't budgeted for. 

    Exactly this - it's an unbudgeted, bonus home tie. The club are trying to dress their decision up as a necessity to ensure the running of the football club - probably in the hope that the "but we need the muney!1!" happy clappers lap it all up. It's not going to wash this time, already an angry reaction on the socials from the majority of people. The Club have failed to read the room and have completely fucked this up.

  3. You look at the Premiership and it can safely be said that 10/12 of those clubs could bring at least 500 away fans. I'd say the majority could even bring at least 1000 given the novelty of visiting a new ground and having an away day in Glasgow. Whatever QP's current plans are for the other stands, scrap em and make bigger ones. Piddly wee 3 row stands won't suffice at Championship level, never mind the top flight.

  4. I don't know much about the situation at board level for Everton but the club is a complete basket case at the moment. They've have spent absolutely millions the past few years and achieved nothing. I think Everton are going down this season and it could be years before they come back up. I don't know much about their finances and how much money they have behind them but if they do go down I wouldn't be surprised to see them languishing in the Championship for a long time.

  5. Well this just made me laugh like f**k. It's cheaper to get a direct, return flight from Edinburgh to Bologna next Wednesday to Sunday than it is to go to a Saints game. You'd even have a pound left over to buy a bar of chocolate at the airport. If I had enough annual leave to take I'd consider it. Italian food and drink, bit of sightseeing around the city, maybe get a train to Venice for the day...or Livingston at home watching Davidson Ball with no hot food left at half time. DECISIONS.


  6. 45 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

    It also helps having friends in the media 

    He might have been a failure but someone like Cathro was never going to be given a fair chance because he wasn’t part of the old boys club

    Similar with Ange, despite him having both domestic and international success you still have people like Chick Young in the media trying to push John Hughes for the Celtic job.

    I refuse to believe Scottish football isn’t attractive to foreign coaches

    If the Hibs job becomes available I think it would be pretty much a guarantee a lot of foreign coaches would be extremely interested, not just because of the club but also the opportunity to live in Edinburgh/Scotland

    Totally agree with you, I've always thought that Hearts and Hibs are attractive jobs for a foreign manager because of that very reason. I think both clubs are selling themselves sort in that regard, you look at both teams past managers from the past 20 years or so and it's miserable reading.

    Completely overlooked big Ange - he's a fine example of what a foreign guy can bring. He's signing all these guys from his side of the world, players who bring something different to the game here. For Celtic the strategy is working domestically and if Ange gets them performing better in Europe people will be singing his praises.

  7. It's a Scottish football problem. There is a giant manager merry-go-round consisting of failed managers and old dinosaurs that the majority of clubs look to every time they need a new manager. It's truly tragic. I think Scottish football needs more foreign managers. I don't believe for a second there aren't foreign managers out there that wouldn't want to ply their trade here. No more dinosaurs and English league jobbers. If anything it might make our league football more interesting and technical instead of playing horrific hoofball.

  8. I was at the Hearts game the other night. First game I’ve been too all season. Although we got beat, I still enjoyed the game because we managed to get some goals and it was an entertaining match.

    I was at the game today and it was simply classic Davidson Ball. Absolutely horrific game of football, Dundee United were also terrible but deserved to win because they actually tried to win the game. It was like everybody on the pitch was hungover. No fight and no desire until we went behind. Such is the usual story. I was actually glad United scored because it gave my sister (who was at McDiarmid for the first time) something exciting to see in what was a truly awful 90mins. 
    Also: the cafeteria is a shambles. I’m sorry but the wee lassies they have working behind the tills were painfully slow. Worst still, no hot food and no Bovril left at half time. I’m going to say it again - imagine bringing a fair weather fan to a game like that, £24 quid to watch that absolute steaming pile of shite and not even be able to get a pie at half time. It’s not good enough. I’m sure there will be mountains of pies available for the **** when they take over. 

  9. McDiarmid Park needs some freshening up. It's tired looking and dull. I'd like to see the grey concrete concourses given a proper lick of paint and the horrendous wee 90s TV's replaced. Biggest thing I've always wanted to see is the red and yellow seats replaced with blue and white ones. Maybe create some new wording across the stands like 'SJFC' or 'PERTH SAINTS.' 

  10. I emailed last night. Felt a bit dirty with the St. Mirren mention at the end...but credit must be given where due.

    "I am writing to you tonight to express my disgust at the decision made by the club to allocate 3 stands to Rangers fans for the upcoming Scottish Cup tie and also at the pricing for a match ticket.
    Personally speaking (although I believe I speak for many other Saints fans as well) going to home games against the Old Firm is often a deeply unpleasant experience. With two stands behind either goal and a section of the Main Stand, the away fans make their presence very much felt. They sing bigoted songs and create a toxic atmosphere, cause damage to our stadium and have even recently attacked members of the catering staff. To top it all off, we are often comfortably beaten by them. I believe it is these reasons that many Saints fans like myself avoid going to home fixtures involving Celtic and Rangers.
    To then give the Old Firm 3 stands makes this problem even worse and has potential long lasting implications for our home support. In this case, it effectively makes it a home game for Rangers and gives them a psychological advantage over us when we are already struggling to compete with their enormous wealth. By punting home fans out of the East Stand - our home stand - the club have successfully alienated their own supporters. This is a small support which we should be trying to grow. We cannot expect to attract future supporters to McDiarmid Park by treating the ones we already have with such utter contempt.
    Regarding the pricing for the match, it's nothing short of ridiculous. It's already difficult to attract people to McDiarmid Park as it is when tickets are priced at £24 - and you will be well aware of the "twenty's plenty" campaign that many supporters are pushing for. It is already (in my opinion) far too expensive to watch Scottish football and isn't worth it for the standard it is and the general matchday experience. Add into the mix the dreadful cost of living crisis and it makes the pricing arrangement for this match look even more lousy. In my opinion, a more sensible approach would have been slashing the ticket prices, reducing Rangers allocation and the club pushing to get as many St Johnstone fans through the gates as possible. This helps attract new would be Saint supporters to McDiarmid Park and you would hope a bigger home crowd could help push the team on to a win. Instead the club has decided to treat an important Scottish Cup tie - our only chance of a cup this season - as a big payday. £30 to go and be surrounded by thousands of Rangers fans and probably watch Saints get cuffed. It's easy to understand why only the most diehard of supporters would be willing to shell out for that. Even then there is now talk of boycotts and it appears many diehards are going to give this a game miss.
    I would like to point you in the direction of St. Mirren and suggest that St. Johnstone take note of their recent approach to fixtures against the Old Firm sides. My understanding is that the St. Mirren board properly consulted their supporters and asked them how they felt about the allocation being given to Celtic and Rangers. St. Mirren fans made themselves clear that they would prefer to see a reduced Old Firm allocation. The St. Mirren board explained that the club could potentially lose money but they stuck by the fans and reduced the allocation. The outcomes so far: two positive results, very similar attendances compared to the same games from the previous season and a happier home fanbase. I feel this kind of progressive, positive, long-term thinking is currently lacking at St. Johnstone. I feel there have been many missed past opportunities to bolster our home support off the back of our recent cup successes and the club could do more when it comes to fan consultation and growing our home support. Todays decision has been massively disappointing and has upset many Saints fans. I can only hope the club learns lessons from this."


  11. 10 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    They dont care because whats going to happen?

    Theyll earn plenty off the away fans and then the home fans will just return for the next league game with the FCU the only ones who actually protest about it (while also still attending).

    Agree with this. Saints will have already anticipated a low home support so a boycott of this game won't make much difference.

    A boycott of the Dundee United game however...

    Or if the FCU fancy a trip to Sports Direct ahead of that game. Two words: tennis balls.

  12. There is a troubling number of people who fully support this guy and his women hating beliefs. Every comments section you look at there's oddballs saying he's a "legend" who's been taken away by "The Matrix." It's all very QAnony,  very very creepy.

    There seems to be an awful culture of hating women in society right now. Greta constantly gets trolled by angry middle aged men while Jeremy Clarkson was being hailed as a funnyman last week for his vile words about Meghan Markle. Horrible stuff.

  13. I'm with @HalfCutNinja on this one. Deek was a gem. I remember the Aberdeen fans had had enough of the man and I asked at the time who could they possibly get in who would do as good a job as he had done? Sadly Aberdeen's fans delusions of grandeur resulted in him being pushed out rather than sticking by him during a tricky period. You could perhaps be forgiven if Cormack had made a statement managerial signing, a big name that shows Aberdeen mean business. Instead you went with rookie Stephen Glass and then replaced him with Jim Goodwin FFS. It's laughable.

    Hell mend you all.

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