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Posts posted by ICTChris

  1. It's pretty obvious that Murray would have needed to go abroad to become the player he is. He was probably the best player in Scotland by the time he was 15, how could he learn anything? I think that tennis players often move abroad to join these academies - most of the Russian players have pronounced California accents as they emigrated when they were about 10!

    Was it not the UK tennis academy that was in the news because it had to expel a load of pupils for spending their time boozing, then boasting about it on Bebo? I doubt that went on in Barcelona.

    I think taht Stirling University has a Tennis Academy now but given the climate obviously playing in Spain would be better to develop a player for all possible surfaces.

  2. My job frustrates me.

    Due to other things not being done as they should I have to be the person who c**ts around other people. This makes me look bad and I don't want to shift the blame because there's nothing worse than going to someone with a problem only for them to say 'It's not me it's XXX' - usually this is done by people who can easily resolve these problems.

  3. How on earth can someone not understand how emotive it can be sorting out children where the parents are separate? Particularly in the case where there's been a break-up. Nice to see you have a handle on understanding others' situations. <_<

    What I meant was I think it's very selfish for people to use their children as pawns or to 'get back' at their ex-partners. I would think that most parents would be able to put aside personal feelings about the break-up and ensure that the best thing happens with children, although that must be difficult in cases of very messy break-ups or spousal abuse.

    I'm not referring to any case in particular, of course.

  4. The problem is that many (most?) separations aren't really condusive to amicable agreements. I suggested Family Mediation as their expertise is in helping people reach agreement, particularly where access to kids is concerned. Still needs both parties to be prepared to enter into it but even if that can't happen they can give advice on what to do.

    What sort of person couldn't come up with a sensible agreement to provide financial needs and visiting rights for their children? I suppose if a wife caught her husband nailing her sister or something like that.

    My nag is I'm sur eI have glandular fever.

  5. You haven't got a clue do you? :)

    For what it's worth, as recently as 2005 Henman was two sets down to Jarkko Niemenen at Wimbledon and came back to win 3-6 6-7 6-4 7-5 6-2. Just last year he trailed Carlos Moya 2-1 in sets but came back to win 6-3 1-6 5-7 6-2 13-11 in five.

    I recall well when Henman first came to serious prominence with the British public back in 1996 as an unseeded virtual unknown he faced 5th seed Yevgeny Kafelnikov in the first round at Wimbledon. He won in five sets 7-6 6-3 6-7 4-6 7-5 which was the complete opposite in that he lost a two set lead but Kafelnikov had a double break in the 5th set and still Henman came back from the dead to win it. In all his years at Wimbledon (which involved being a semi finalist four times and a quarter finalist another four times) he rarely had straightforward progress and often won from the tightest of corners.

    Don't let any of that affect your chip on the shoulder judgements though. <_<

    Great post. Henman was a fantastic player, hopefully Murray can go on to surpass his achievements.

  6. Off to see Tropa d'Elite on Friday, looking foward to it.

    Just back from Elite Squad (Tropa de Elite).

    The film is based in the BOPE, Rio's elite SWAT team police unit. The narrator and BOPE captain is about to become a father and wants to leave the ultra-stressful world of fighting in the favelas. He is faced with racheted up pressure to clean up the favelas for the Pope's visit as well as choosing his successor. The two candidates are two rookie police who move together through the mire of corruption that is policing in Brazil. Eventually, they show enough aptitute to become members of BOPE - the film tells the story of their journey to becoming 'Skulls'.

    It's a very high octane film, extremely violent as you'd expect, but also is interesting in that it shows how the corruption in Brazil creates the environment for the urban warfare to develop between the BOPE and the drug cartels. The rank and file Brazilian police are simply out for graft and cash leading the idealistic young recruits to go to BOPE where they are exposed to the brutal culture of the unit.

    I thought it was a great film, very well shot with superb action scenes. The performances of the police were good (the film mainly focuses on them), one criticism of the movie would be it didnt' flesh out the secondary characters, the drug dealers and NGOs, as well as it could have. These are minor quibbles.

    The director gave a short talk afterwards, he was asked a few questions. one was about the fact that the narrator has become a 'folk hero' in Brazil with fans mass producing posters of him. This is despite his absolute brutality at times in the film. I think that it just shows that the character was nuanced rather than a character.

    I'd give it 8/10 - here's the trailer, in Portugese I'm afraid:

  7. Red.

    Part of the Edinburgh International Film Festival, Red tells a story of a man seeking justice after some tearaway youngsters kill his dog. Brian Cox stars alongside Tom Sizemore and Robert Englund in minor roles.

    I thought it was an interesting film, a little more of a TV movie than a mainstream production. Brian Cox did well adn the film overall was thoughtful. The ending was a bit cheesy and I thought the film 'gave' a bit too much - a similar film is A History of Violence, and that kept a lot back and as such made you think a lot more.

    Brian Cox did a small speech after the showing and answered a few questions. I don't think he liked working with Tom Sizemore much :lol:

    Off to see Tropa d'Elite on Friday, looking foward to it.

  8. Just seen a lass I pulled in Bedrocks the other week in the paper as the new Salmon Queen. That would make her in Year 11 and aged 15-16! :( Thankfully it never went any further than the dancefloor and she does look alot older than she is. The bouncers have alot to answer for! <_<

    You should have known that there was something fishy about her.

  9. I was at a job interview last Thursday (22nd May), for a twelve-week summer placement with my local council.

    Interview went really well and I was phoned last Monday (27th May) offering me the post, which I accepted, subject to the satisfactory return of my Occupational Health and References.

    I phoned them last Wednesday (28th May) to give them my mobile number should they try to call me when I'm out the house. They told me that my Occupational Health had come back fine, and were just waiting on my References.

    As one of my Referees is a family friend, I phoned her on Wednesday night to ask if she'd sent it back. She had, which means the only reason I can't get a start date is because my old work are playing funny buggers with my Reference, as it has to go down to HR, and they haven't bothered their arse sending it back.

    It's not as if it's an in-depth thing - it's a one-line document confirming my dates of employment.

    What makes it worse, is that I got an e-mail on Friday from the local College where I worked over the Christmas holidays offering me a job over the summer. I can't accept it as, truth be told, the Council post is better for me, but I don't want to deny it yet in case something goes wrong with the Council post. And I was going to call the Council and ask them to get a Reference from the College instead of my old work, but I can't very well do that now. Sorry, I can't accept your job, but can you give me a reference for this other one? Aye, right.

    I need a job, I have no money. This is fucking shite.

    HR Departments are usually full of half-wits.

  10. I'm supposed to be on a week off but have been called in today. There is a specific task that only myself and two other people are trained on and I've been called in to do that. Now, one other person who can do this is off, the other is in but I'm still being asked to show up.

    The reason I've been asked in is that the person is off due toa family bereavement, it's absolutely terrible for them. But this task has three people trained on it, one of whom is in the office - yet I am being called in? This is fucking pish. Of course, if I raise this then it looks like me who is being a dick because the reason one person is off is due to an absolutely terrible bereavement. Yet the one other person who is in has obviously spun some bullshit about why they can't do this task and I've been pulled in.

    I'm going in but I'm going to play it by ear regarding raising this with my boss.

  11. Yes. Stupid p***k. It will take 15 minutes out of his life yet he still won't sort things out for us. Wanker.

    I am also really tired after a couple of late nights. Bed beckons. Rah!

    I remember when the P&B house was first established all was good in the world.

    Now it seems that the prospect of P&Bers living together in peace and harmony is a vision lost, analagous to the death of the 60s dream caused by the assassinations of RFC and MLK.

  12. Two things:

    1. Virgin Media- They can stick their internet up their arse. Problems with it for weeks with regards the connection randomly going, but today has taken the piss.

    My Virgin TV has just gone black and white for no apparent reason. Phoned up and got engineer out on Thursday. <_<

    XBL, are you sitting in work with a load of bulldog clips in your hair? You must look bizsrre to say the least.

  13. Edinburgh Council, who haven't tried to take any council tax for months and months (going back to last year) despite us setting up a direct debit have just tried to take £900 from my fiancees account :huh: She didn't have the cash to pay it so they are going to try again 'in the next few weeks' :huh: Ball park estimate guys?

    Quite pleased they are actually taking it though. Between my pay and her final cheque from her job we should cover it.

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