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Everything posted by Tryfield

  1. Avon Cosmetics‏@Avon_UK Discover the wrinkle fighter that really works and trial it for 28 day absolutely FREE! Register now here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tryfield: @Avon_UK So, if this cream "really works", all the others don't? Fcuking eejits.
  2. That had me in stitches. Poor itzdrk is getting tight today.
  3. "One nil to the Albion" got it big style yesterday. Hair o' the dug for me.
  4. Cracking day out. Thankfully I didn't impose myself on the group/team pic. Real Ale festival on Friday is a distant memory.........like my Pot Noodle on Tuesday. Still bagged up.
  5. I had to have a wee jobby in there. Some pooder fleein aboot tae.
  6. Brilliant..... T'was a pleasure to meet tyhe man..............
  7. I had to come back down to Ayr for a nappy change. Am I excused?
  8. Stick tae the pints....you'll be fine. That's my plan.
  9. Oki doki pal. See ye there. That beer festival was mega heavy....
  10. See ye tomoz...... whit train is it again?
  11. If you had a pair o' beets oan and it was a geed day......I'd have fathomed ye oot.
  12. Keeping up with the "beasting craze"..............
  13. I'd never make an Air Traffic Controller. Games. Scored 2,345 on ATC Landings. Head on collision in round 3.
  14. Just been reading about (mad) Jack Churchill. Fascinating character.
  15. Whit a greedy cnut you are. Are you not happy enough pumping Livi Livy Burd Gimp? You know, the burd that has an affection for most male posters on here.
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