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Everything posted by pencils

  1. I decided earlier to put some Libertines on. First time I've listened to them in a wee while. Awesome!
  2. Same, nearly everyone I know gets one. Its shite too, they get it every 2 weeks. So its one payment of £60 quid. So every couple of weeks, everyones away to Stirling to spend there EMA on loads a shit. It really annoys me.
  3. But most people I know who get it, aren't from a shit family.
  4. Jammy c***s. Most people I know who get EMA's don't even need them.
  5. Cheers man. Hopfully they've managed to contain to a certain area, but from what we've heard it doesn't look too good.
  6. We had a tannoy today at the end of school to say that their had been a serious incedant, and the school would be used as an evacuation point. I was a wee bit worried, and just wanted to get home to see what happened. I then got home and asked my Dad what happened. It turns out his work was on fire Its almost certain he's out a job now! Fucking gutted.
  7. JHVL Ohhhhhhhh (to the tune of yankee doodle!)

  8. Is their a Stirling fan on here, who's second name is Jefferson?
  9. Just seen that on the highlights show. Bizzare, just bizzare. When you see it from behind the goals all the AC players are walking back towards the halfway line, and only realize once the ball is in the net.
  10. Nice. Think I'll put 'Charming Man' on.
  11. Deserves you right for putting them down! Can't actually remember the last time we won a game.
  12. I didn't even read my personal study. Done the NAB for it last week, and my teacher said it looks good. God knows how!
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