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Posts posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. So Theory had the chance to cash in on ANY title of his choice - and he picked the US title. So is his new gimmick that he's as think as fucking mince? There was no way he was ever going to successfully cash it in. But what possible rationale could they come up with for him challenging for not onlky a midcard title, but the secondary midcard title? It makes not one single bit of sense.

  2. For the Saintees game I would probably stick with Main and Ayunga. Purely for their physicality.

    There's no way I'd have Brophy anywhere near the starting 11. The guy is shot due to then horrendous number of injuries he's had. It's a shame, that things haven't worked out for him but I'd be hoping to move him on come January.

    Dunne needs a spell on the sidelines. He's been poor for a few weeks now and needs a break. Shaughnessey might not be in SR's long-term plans, but for as long as he's employed by the club, he should be able to be relied upon and he would slot perfectly into the heart of the defence.

    As I poster previously, Baccus 100% should play here. No reason to drop him ahead of the World Cup. Ethan is the one I'd drop for the next 2 games. I have wondered if he has been playing with an injury recently.

    My line-up for tomorrow would be...


    Fraser   Shaughnessey   Gallacher

    Strain                                                                         Tanser

    Baccus    Gogic    O'Hara


    Ayunga   Main


  3. Absolutely class for Baccus. Brilliant.

    Get this chat about resting him in the bin though. He's employed by the club and, when fit, should always be played if selected by the manager. It'd be an utter nonsense if we dropped him, whilst paying him, so that he could go and play international football for Australia, who don't pay him.

    I'd be totally against that. No offence to the lad, but winning games of football for St Mirren means more to me than him playing at a World Cup for Australia.

    Hopefully he plays the next 2 matches for us, plays out of his skin and heads off to the World Cup absolutely flying.

    Best of luck to him and Australia.

  4. The way we've been  playing away from home, we should have Gogic in the middle of the park, not at centre half.

    Dunne has been stinking for weeks now and needs a spell on the bench. When he's on form he's very good. He just isn't on form just now.

    Our back 3 on Wednesday will hopefully be Gallacher, Fraser and Shaughnessey. However, if rumours are to be belived then big Joe will be off come January to address the budget overspend. Even if that's the case, as long as we are paying him and he's our player then he should be in contention, but now seems virtually bombed out all together.

  5. On 06/11/2022 at 01:28, TheGoon said:

    Khan’s highs as a booker are pretty high. He’s still produced stuff like Hangman, MJF/Punk and Wardlow’s story - but particularly since the ROH purchase things have gotten noticeably sloppier.  

    The booking of Wardlow since his MJF feud os one of the most monumental f**k ups of the modern era. Why the f**k is he in a tag team with Samoa Joe? An absolute nonsense.

  6. I could get if the ref had given Watt a red before it went to VAR.

    To go to a VAR check and then, after having seen it slowed down multiple times, decide that it’s a red is fucking mental.

    VAR needs to be punted into the sea and Beaton should face some form of reprimand for that call.

    Only 2 weekends in and it’s been an utter farce so far.

  7. SG did many great things for the club, I don't think anyone can deny that.

    However, let's not forget the utter shambles that he left us in when his time was up. We were a floundering Championship side who appointed dud after du as manager. Rae, Murray, Teale, and Craig anyone?

    For all his good he did, his time has been and gone. The game has passed him by at this stage.

    Thanks for everything he did for the club, but it's a hard no from me.

  8. What with the whole “if you know the answer to this question, send us an email” patter from Cowan?

    Today he asked listeners to email what Meatloaf’s real name is. Has his producer not got the ability to carry out a 10 second Google search for him?

    Every week they’re asking folk to email answers to random questions that could be done in seconds themselves.

  9. Our midfield were stinking for the most part. Baccus came into things a bit more in the final 20 minutes, but that was his worst performance to date.

    Tanser really struggled to deal with the Alebiosu and Armstrong combination down Killie’s right. Alebiosu looked particularly good going forward in the first half.

    Ayunga looked an absolute mile off the pace. He had no first touch whatsoever and I was surprised he lasted as long as he did.

    It was a very poor game overall, but I think Killie were the better of two very average teams on the day.

  10. I got in the car after our game and OAM was on.

    They went to an interview with Liam Fox, I think it was with Jane Lewis.

    She said his team were in good form and would surely be looking for another 3 points on Tuesday against Killie.

    Fox had to point out that you don’t actually get any points for a League Cup quarter final tie.

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