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Posts posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. These same Rangers and Celtic fans moaning at having their allocation cut are the very same fans that lauded their own clubs for cutting away fan allocations for Old Firm games.

    I'm also willing to bet that 99% of them only ever watch their team on Sportscene, so it doesn't affect the vast majority of them anyway.

    I saw some roaster of a Celtic fan on Twitter claiming that it's not their fault that they started on a level playing field with every other club but had some marketing masterstroke to draw in supporters. If by "marketing msterstrome" they mean cashing in on and pandering to braindead bigots then I wholeheartedly agree.

    This seems to have upset both Celtic and Rangers fans equally. Lovely stuff.

  2. Absolutely outstanding tactically from Bora. Allowed Carapaz to burn all of his matches, then followed the wheel when Carapaz went, bridged over to Kamna and used him to set a ferocious pace to drop Carapaz and ride clear.

    I fancied Carapaz to hold on, but he really cracked in that final 3k.

    Hindley has been excellent throughout. 

  3. This has genuinely been one of the most thrilling grand tours I've ever watched. 

    I think Carapaz will have enough to carry a gap into the next two days and into the time trial. Hindley has been absolutely unreal though, but given what happened in 2020, will he get the job done?

    I'd absolutely love Landa to pull something out of his arse today and chuck himself firmly back into the mix. I think Bahrain have looked like the strongest team. Hindley has been isolated a few times and Carapaz really just seems to have Porte. Landa has had a lot of really good help from both Bilbao and Poels.

    Such a shame Bardet had to abandon as he looked very strong and would no doubt have been in contention.

    I'm looking forward to the next 3 stages of racing. I genuinely can't pick a winner from the top 3 at the minute, but if I was to put money on it just now, I'd say Carapaz will hold on.

  4. The battle between Russell and a DRSless Verstappen was brilliant fun to watch.

    Hamilton's drive went competely under the radar. It was only with about 10 laps to go that I even noticed where he had manaed to get himself up to.

    On this season's showing, Sainz really isn't deserving of the seat at Ferrari. Hard to say who they could replace him with though. Has he binned more times that Latifi this season?


  5. McCarthy is a weird one. Excellent last year then he started this season fairly ropey. He picked up a nasty injury against Livi at home just before Christmas and never got anywhere near his form of last season. I don’t really know who would take a punt on him after this season. I can only think he could rock up at Aberdeen or in League Two down south.

    Gogic would be a brilliant coup if we could get the deal done, but I can’t see it happening.

    Fairly happy McAllister is away. Never rated him in his first stint with us and was surprised he got a move to the Championship. He did virtually nothing down there, due to injury, and when he came back I was less than enthused, despite the club and fans making a big song and dance about it. He’s done almost nothing since returning, I can probably count the number of good games he’s had on one hand over the last 3 years. He’s still only 23, but as his loan at Thistle showed, I’m not sure he’s even a Championship player. He may well be turning up at an Airdrie etc next season.

    Power was decent the first handful of games, but hasn’t really done much to impress overall. Coming up on 35, I’d have been ok to keep him as a squad player. No chance I’d have kept him as one of our preferred centre midfielders so not overly fussed that he’s gone.

    I wouldn’t waste my time trying to convince Jones to come back. He was pish.

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