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Posts posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. 35 minutes ago, Ginaro said:

    Friday - practice then qualifying to set the grid for the sprint race

    Saturday - practice then sprint race (1/3 distance, top 8 get points) which sets the grid for the race

    Sunday - race

    Well that sounds pish.

  2. Quote

    Record Sport understands a compensation package has been agreed between the clubs, with Lasley set to take the reins in Paisley at the end of this campaign.




    Graham Alexander was happy to keep him on and Lasley penned a new one year deal last summer to bring him in line with the boss and fellow assistant Chris Lucketti.

    But with that deal close to expiring he finally appears set to move on.


    So is Lasley's Motherwell deal about to expire or have we agreed a compensation package with them? It can't be both, surely.

  3. This is my first season back following again after maybe a 10 year break. This Latifi boy is an absolute riddy.

    I'm still trying to piece all the team histories together. Is Alpine what was once Renault? 

    It's also a bit of a shame to watch Vettel in what looks to be an absolute dug of a car.

  4. Anytime I've been in the US I usually always tip waiting staff, even if the food is pish. They aren't responsible for the quality of food and without the tips then they make next to f**k all.

    It really is a fucking tragic state of affairs over there.

  5. I don't know much about O'Hara other than what I've seen against us. A blood and guts player, possibly a replacement for Gogic but someone who gets himself forward more than Gogic is my impression of him.

    In the summer we really need to move Main on. I think he's contracted for another year though? I terrible, terrible footballer who should be fourth choice striker, behind Brophy, Grieve and Shaughnessy.

  6. Robinson’s subs are just blowing my mind.

    65 mins in, 1-1 at home and we take Henderson and Kiltie off for McCarthy and Grieve. With 10 to go we then send on  Erhahon and Main.

    If you didn’t know any better, you’d think we were defending a nice comfortable 2-0 lead.

    Also, that’s a definite foul on McCarthy by Watt a split second before Alnwick is sent off.

    He’s only just in the door and will undoubtedly need a transfer window to put his stamp on things, but Robinson’s subs and in-game tactical switches give me the absolute fear.


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