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Posts posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. I'm already dreading the thought of the Vegas GP. Fat yanks whooping and hollering, celebrities that only Americans know wandering around the grid like they own the place and fuicking American football helmets. Pass.

  2. Under Robinson I would be expecting Offord and perhaps Lewis Jamieson to get some minutes next season.

    Offord, having played this season on the Lowland League and done very well, may benefit from a loan to a Leage One  of Championship side.

    Jamieson I think did ok at Inverness the first half of this  season and it looks like he's done well at Clyde in the second half of the campaign.

    From the outside, it certainly seems that SR likes Offord so who knows if he will be sent out on another loan or if he'll be used as a squad player.

  3. Just watched the race highlights there and it was one of the dullest races I can recall. About the only piece of entertainment was Perez trying to make a move up the inside of Sainz and overcooking it and Sainz immediately diving back up the inside of Perez.

  4. I think we can all agree that Main and Erwin were comfortably our worst players this season.

    Erhahon has been poor, he's been dispappointing for the majority of the campaign. However, he hasn't come anywere near the levels of shite of the previosuly mentioned Main and Erwin and, certainly where I sit, has had absolutely nowhere near as much dog's abuse as those two  have had either. I'd even add McAllister to the list ahead of Erhahon on both the levels of shiteness and abuse received.

  5. f**k me. A complete  tin foil hat conspiracy about made up racism of a player, despite no actual racial abuse ever actually being reported at a game by his own fans, all the while umpteen posters have presented and put forward valid arguments as to why fans have been on his case.

    How in the f**k is this batshit wild accusation - which quite frankly should have been removed  by now - still getting discussed almost 24 hours later?

  6. The main difference with Erhahon and MacPherson for me is that I think most folk quickly realised the MacPherson was a sort of industrious, hard working type with limited ability. Erhahon, on the other hand, had shown some flashes of real qualirty and abilitiy and as a fanbase we have had high expectations of him for the last 3ish years. The player we thought he was going to develop into has failed to materialise thus far.

    His attitude has reportedly been a problem for several years. I got the impression Goodwin wasn't particulary a fan of Erhahon's attitude.

    Following his stint atr Barnsley, it's been evident to me that he clearly doesn't want to be here and sees himself playing at a far higher level. I haven't saw any evidence to back that up.

    To add to all of that, it doesn't help when, what is essentially a young boy, takes to social media to have a pop at the fans.

    He needs to just knuckle down, screw the nut and try to kick on into the player we though we were getting 2/3 years ago. Whether that's at us or elsewhere, at this point I'm not really arsed. Best of luck to him, but I can't say I'm too fussed if he's moved on.

  7. I hadn't quite realised that the standard of Serie A had dropped to the point where Ethan Erhahon would be linked with a move there.

    He's a decent young player who, in his own head, thinks he's already a top player. In reality, when the going gets tough he shites it and doesn't show up.

    He might go on and have a good career for himself, but his attitude needs to change. I wouldn't be upset if he left.

  8. Very disappointed Gogic won’t be hanging around. He is a very underrated player.

    I always liked him when I saw him at Accies. Granted he wasn’t great for Hibs, but the amount of running and loose balls he mops up can decide games. His tracking back of opposition midfield runners is unreal. The boy has a massive engine. Shame we can’t convince him to stay.

    Yesterday was comfortably the best I have ever seen Main play. That said, I still want to see him emptied in the summer. You can’t convince me that Kieran Offord or Lewis Jamieson couldn’t contribute at least as much as Main has this season. 

  9. Why are folk going on as if Goodwin has left and is racking up the points with Aberdeen? This is Goodwin's squad. This is the imbalanace he left us with. Mental to suggest Goodwin would have gotten us more points had he stayed.

    We're now at the business end of the season where teams tend to put runs together in a desperatre bid to beat the drop, yet Goodwin's two teams he has managed in the league this season are in absolute freefall.


    The revisionist history really is something else. Listening to some, you'd think we were some sort of juggernaut before Goodwin left. In reality, we have been dog shit all season long and have gone through multiple horrendous winless runs. The only reason we were even in contention for top 6 was because trhe teams around us were just as pish. Let's not pretend that we're somehow playing any worse under Robinson than we did under Goodwin.

    Robinson's record is shocking, but the underlying cause of all of this lies firmly at Goodwin's door.

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