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Posts posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. I like Dennis, just for that Celtic goal and for flattening that Hearts c**t. God speed.

    I'd really hope we were looking at bringing in a free agent to bolseter of striker choices, although at this stage you have to wonder what's out there on that front. Any half decent goalscorer will have long been snapped up. We're now in a position where we're hoping we can keep Brophy fit for the rest of the season. 

    Goodwin salvaged this transfer window at the 11th hour, quite literally. Some decent deadline day business that has us looking stronger.

    Our strongest 11, if we can keep most fit, should be enough to see us finish 6-8 I reckon. 






    We have a decent bench too, with the likes of Tait, McCarthy, Flynn, Henderson, Erhahon, Millar, Reid and Grieve.

    Pity we couldn't shift shite like Main and Erwin on, but you can't have it all.

    Farily content with our January business.

  2. The woman have absolutely no business having their own Rumble. There’s a handful of great wrestlers and a load of absolute festering shite.

    I was enjoying the Lashley vs Lesnar match. It’s probably still my favourite match of the night. But the finish makes so sense at all. The ref gets knocked out, Roman interferes, then a new ref - who has presumably watched the Reigns interference unfold - runs out and counts the pin. What? That’s just lazy.

    Add to that the fact that Lashley winning pretty much guaranteed that Lesnar was winning the Rumble at that point.

    The men’s Rumble was boring. The surprise entrants were pish. Why in the f**k am I still watching Shane McMahon wrestling in 2022? Bad Bunny, why?

    All in all, the show was absolutely shite.

  3. This is the first time in McGrath's career he's been linked with a big move. I reckon he's been pulled in a hundred different directions by the other clubs interested in him, his agent, his dad, St Mirren and god knows who else.

    I wouldn't begrudge him his move away to easily treble his wages.

    This whole "head isn't in the right place for a game of football" routine is an absolute fucking nonsense though.

    Move him on now.

  4. Yogi Hughes.

    Guided Inverness to an (unsuccessful) League Cup final in his first year, her then lead them to a 3rd placed finish and the Scottish Cup.

    He left the following season and took on the Raith Rovers job. He held something like a 10 point lead over the relegation favourites - St Mirren and Ayr - only to chuck it away, finish 9th and be relegated via the play-off.

  5. Presumably McGrath's agent called Glass and said "Listen Stevie mate, I've spoken to Jamie and he's really concerned he won't be able to handle the pressure of playing for Aberdeen so we're going to look for a deal elsewhere."

    f**k me. I get that he'll be far from happy at being used as leverage by an agent, but for f**k sake. At least make your excuse make some sense. A simple "we had a look, made an offer and he didn't give us an answer so we've removed the offer and are looking at other targets" would have done. Amateur stuff from a guy who has struggled with the pressures of being at Aberdeen.

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