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Everything posted by mjw

  1. I've always found YouTube a decent place to get tips.Like you I always felt a bit intimidated at the free weights section but it's worth remembering Everyone has to start somewhere. Probably the best thing is not to kid yourself on picking up weights that are far to heavy.The amount of people in my gym who do two reps then grunt and fire a dumbbell onto the floor is comical.
  2. That will probably be a competitive score on this wicket.
  3. Online Lottery taking 10 seconds to add funds but takes 3 days to withdraw.
  4. Get the heavy roller on that and it'll be fine.
  5. I'd never heard of the guy till Mrs MJW bought me the watch for a birthday.
  6. He did it at Fir Park a couple of weeks back.It was almost worth losing just to see the most cringeworthy act in Scottish football with my own eyes.
  7. Didn't he do a tear stained resignation as well?
  8. He/it does tennis and cricket score updates on the other sports thread as well.
  9. Third fucking series as well.How do they get away with it?
  10. There's a hostage situation. A guy is threatening to blow people up with a selection box of fireworks.
  11. He'll be denying it ever happened before the weekend is over.
  12. They should take a leaf out of our governments book and put some away for a rainy day.
  13. apologies. No smiley, no get it.
  14. An independent Scotland would have to face the same issues.
  15. How do all the buns know when to hit a thread at the same time? Are they all in contact with each other or the same poster with multiple accounts?
  16. It's not just a question of wages though. The cost of shipping goods back from China has seen a lot of companies reversing their decision to manufacture down there. If you add in money lost due to poor quality of goods, I'm not so sure a British worker is more expensive in the long run.
  17. No one answered Billy Bragg when he asked where everyone who lost a manufacturing job was supposed to go.Is the service sector really big enough for all of us? The journalist seemed to be of the opinion that because no one cared about journalists losing their jobs then we shouldn't care about anyone losing a job.
  18. And here is the foreign bridge question.
  19. Keith Brown been dipping into these threads for some buzzwords?
  20. Hopefully no one from the wings thread reads the last few comments.
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