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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Any pictures of genitalia shaped cream cakes to share with us?
  2. Tiocfaidh ár Lichties bitterness is never far from the surface.
  3. Glen Minter making it personal. Nasty nasty yoon.
  4. Cleaners that see you go in then open the door minutes later. EMBDY IN! f**k right off.
  5. You're right of course. It was nothing like a bandwagon.
  6. mjw


    Steven Woolfe expelled from the leadership race. He was the favourite amongst the Farage side of the party. Are UKIP having the implosion that the SNP would have if we voted for independence?
  7. That's Archie MacPherson on the Scottish news ruling out a Scottish six news programme.
  8. f**k sake, they're all here now. Is the bralt broken?
  9. He gets paid a fortune to be the public face and take the flak for the decisions that are made by the clubs we support.
  10. mjw


    Absolute Labour style melt down from the kippers in their leadership contest. Different factions going for each other and even talk of a temporary leader keeping the seat warm for a Farage return.
  11. Jim Carrey is not funny and his films are rotten.
  12. mjw


    is it this? Ukip MEP Jonathan Arnott has announced his candidacy for the leadership, amid furore over new rules for the contest which will block many of the party's best-known figures from standing. The Eurosceptic party's ruling National Executive Committee (NEC) has said all candidates to replace Nigel Farage must have been a member for at least five years. It means Ukip's only MP, Douglas Carswell, ex-MP Mark Reckless and prominent former spokeswoman Suzanne Evans, who is temporarily suspended from the party, will not be able to enter the contest.
  13. ' Yes campaigner denies lying about MP who allegedly assaulted her' We got this then it was adjourned to July.
  14. Jackie Baillie is going to shake the money tree. Maybe.
  15. "That pussy won't lick itself" "Let the good times roll" [emoji1]
  16. The coverage the rest of us get up here when we play celtic you mean?
  17. There isn't a single person commentating who can explain what Cook is doing here.
  18. Follow on seems to be a thing of the past now. England to bat till stumps then two days bowling at Pakistan?
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