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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Thank f**k says Charlie a brexit question.
  2. Blair's old friend Lord Falconer getting a hard time of it here.
  3. Halving people in two without injuring them. Is it David Copperfield you've got playing for you?
  4. Were they providing props for the trainspotting movie?
  5. I don't doubt he is a bit dodgy when it comes to contact talks, he strung us along last season as well. I just struggle to have any sympathy for Lennon, he's a vile character.
  6. And absolutely no fucks will be given when he starts banging them in next season.
  7. Back on sky Atlantic tonight.
  8. mjw


    Lunch with Rupert on Sunday, resigns on Monday. Wonder if there is a job for him at News Corp.
  9. mjw


    Paul '55 million people will not be held to ransom by 5 million Scots ' Nuttall.
  10. That mess of a sub forum at the top of the Premiership forum.
  11. Like if you want to play someone in a match,don't send them out on loan.
  12. mjw


    The imbecile Coburn thinks that.
  13. mjw


    RT: UKIP wanted Brexit and is set to get exactly that. But that decision's now put Westminster on a collision course with Scotland, where people rejected splitting from the EU and now there's talk of independence. That's fair isn't it, with Scotland wanting quite the opposite to England and Wales? DC: Absolute nonsense. We had a referendum, which everyone used to call ‘referendum’ to decide, whether we remain in the UK or not. We decided overwhelmingly to remain in the UK – that was a very recent plebiscite. And now we voted 60/40 to stay in the EU. But that is 40 percent of the Scottish people voted to leave the EU. Despite all the propaganda of the Scottish government and all the propaganda from Westminster – they still voted 40 percent against. That is only 10 percent of half of Scottish public… David Coburn being interviewed on Russia Today. When do the MEPs get their P45s?
  14. 'Cascading ' is a favourite in our place. Passing on a message ffs.
  15. Sounds similar to this halfwit A hardworking salon owner and mother-of-four who voted Tory stunned the energy into silence with an impassioned tirade over the decision to withdraw tax credits, screaming: 'Shame on you!' Michelle Dorrell, who was part of the audience of BBC Question Time, runs her own nail salon in Folkestone but will be hit hard by the controversial decision which will see some working families lose up to £1,300 a year.
  16. 'Infested' was the word used by one of the 'I'm not racist but....' Types on the news.
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