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Everything posted by Gaz FFC

  1. I can think of 17.4M people I'd make pick the fucking fruit.
  2. This was genuinely shared by 1 of my now ex FB friends Has he done anything right ever?
  3. Everytime I go out I seem someone being a dick. Yesterday I watched a Cyclist use the road and then join the pavement at a very inconvenient time and bit for social distancing. Today I was turning right in the retail park which has a 1 way system and the fella I was waiting on was indicating to come into the lane I was in. I made the 1 symbol but he was such a useless stupid Auld dick he didn't understand.
  4. I'm all for attacking Tory voters but if I've learnt 1 thing about them it's that they don't give a f**k about anything other than themselves. I've yet to speak with 1 who thinks any decisions made by Tories was inhumane or too far, it's all about selfish wants and the money. p***ks.
  5. I imagine Hibs care quite a bit and I'd be pretty disappointed if IFalkirk were in the Premiership and no trip to Tynie
  6. They don't look like that in FVRH sadly
  7. Certainly Andrew thinks he can do whoever he likes and he will never be king. What a family
  8. Why in these circumstances does it always say nobody deserves to die? Plenty of God awful people deserve to die and it's just birthday card pish to suggest otherwise.
  9. Not surprised it's been politicised but what a load of garbage this is.
  10. Hiding. He's pretty good at not showing up....ever!!!! Starting to question whether he's just a guy dressed up in costume
  11. Well why don't you take your trousers back off her and show her who's boss? If she will let you.
  12. Sincerely hope she's going to undercoat that wood 1st
  13. To be fair to U2 I thought they were excellent on the Simpsons and that episode kills. Highlight being Homer getting "the help he needs"
  14. Ask anyone whoever mentions "the good old days" to tell you 1 thing that they would prefer to bring back from yesteryear that is better than today? Bunch of lying auld dicks. Auld folk are the worst at literally everything. Cannae even vote right.
  15. The post was posted today and the original from 2016. Jesus fucking wept
  16. I've been tagged in various shite through the years where I'm expected to tag friends and participate. You can safely take it from me these have been ignored and will continue to be forever more.
  17. Which channels are you watching? I have a 17 month old in the house so whatever channel I watch depends on what channel he presses when he eats the remote.
  18. TV schedules were changed due to the Coronavirus as expected but we are still flooded with adverts for shops that aren't open and sales that don't exist. I've no idea how long it takes to plan an advert and when it will air but I'm not buying they could not be scrapped given how long it's been since the lockdown started.
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