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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. Lot of newspapers are reporting that Kris Marshall is now a strong favorite to take over the role from Capaldi and apparently Ladbrokes are so convinced of this they have suspended betting on him. He is apparently already filming scenes. I've no doubt he would do well assuming they don't ruin him like Capaldi was with awful writing and co stars. But i'm rather disappointed as i rather liked the idea of Tilda Swinton taking over, it would have been excellent
  2. Pitch Black 8/10 Chronicles of Riddick 6/10 Brilliant wee low budget sci-fi horror, i actually seen the second film in the series prior to this one and i've yet to see the last. Its rather bizarre how much the universe blows up and becomes fantasy like when compared to this one. Simple little story about survivors of a crashed ship have to deal with a desert planet that has long nights and monsters that only come out at night. I much prefer this film to the second, it becomes way too over the top and mindless stylish action(which can be great when done well). Second one isnt a bad film but its too over the top when compared to the more subtle original. Tho i will say the best part of the second film is Cremotoria, the planet that burns hot in sunlight and cools during the night. Some good action sequences during that. All the stuff with the "necro's" bores me unfortunately. Second film gets a 6 because when its good its great, but all the shite with the necros causes it to lose points.
  3. Young Kim's arse has collapsed and he has went from being provocative to saying he will only attack if attacked. So i doubt it, the yanks wont instigate things there due to China, they will only respond to an attack. Well that was normal policy but Trump is rather unpredictable and after the MOAB young kim will be shitting himself
  4. I would agree with that. He's done vastly more than i ever expected he would, i dont think anyone expected him to win much less do so with the republicans having such a strong majority. But from what i overheard hes meant to have ignored law in doing his strikes, isnt it meant to be the case that a president has to have congress approval before such things can happen?
  5. As am i but these same people who are outraged over it happening during Trumps administration were silent when Obama was sending drones everywhere
  6. The constant outcry over twitter about this MOAB is getting stupid, people are acting like he is the first President in history to bomb anyone.
  7. This sounds like he is trolling but its actually true, there are some really good rare pokemon that can be caught on the first island if you are patient enough.
  8. Now i cant remember if it was in the first or second one but theres a scene where Rocky and Apollo have to be pulled away from each other at the end of the round but from what i heard it wasnt kayfabe, the 2 of them we actually hitting each other for real out of frustration
  9. The last one had them dealing some multi billion dollar microchip from i think some Russian dudes so they parachuted in while still being in their cars. Not even Jason Statham being the baddie could save that pish
  10. Im sure i seen on twitter that the new companion has already gotten the sack even tho her season hasnt even aired, very worrying
  11. The Fast and the Furious tooThe Fast and the Furious - 6/102 Fast 2 Furious - 5/10Tokyo Drift 3/10Fast and Furious - 6/10Fast Five - 5/10Fast and Furious 6 - 3/10Furious 7 - 2/10Next one looks a solid 0/10 They went from at least a little interesting to just balls to the wall stupid
  12. IV gets that score purely on the basis of being that bad its good. V is just awful from start to finish
  13. Watched the entire Rocky franchise for the first time in a while Rocky - 9/10 Rocky II - 10/10 Rocky III - 8/10 Rocky IV - 7/10 Rocky V - 0/10 Rocky Balboa - 8/10 Creed - 9/10
  14. To be fair, Captain America also played The Human Torch.... Deadpool played the Green Lantern... Batman played Daredevil... Its movies
  15. The bird, its final evo is excellent and its signature move is really powerful, it does good damage and prevents foes from escaping, plus its Grass Ghost typing is superb
  16. Lot of talk about shit going down in North Korea, The US sending a fleet over, drills against missile attacks, China moving troops to their border etc.
  17. Its been like that for years now, its became such a mundane thing which is really messed up
  18. Add to that people who ask a question then don't listen to the answer and feign ignorance when it eventually bites them in the ass
  19. But remember, the problem isnt selling guns to any idiot on the street. The problem is that the kids didnt have bazooka's and chain fed machine guns to protect themselves
  20. Does look good, but am i the only one that thinks the Cyberman looks fucking awful? Its like they ran out of CGI money when it came to doing him and they had to resort to a 3rd party who specialises in PS2 ports Oh and Gal Gadot
  21. Defo looks a strong one. Anyone else catching a GOTG lighthearted feel to it?
  22. So i had a family member in hospital recently and during that time as a surprise i decorated their kitchen and bathroom single handedly over 3 days, it was a b*****d to get it done but i was able to. I ran out of tape during so a double of edges were free hand and while they were happy with it, me being a perfectionist decided to go back tonight to clean up the edges in question with a new roll of tape. I got really talked down to like a piece of shit, basically along the lines of "how can ye no do it without the tape!?!" "If i could i wouldn't be here fixing it" "if your hands could go as fast as your mouth you would be done already" Well i just dropped what i was doing and walked out, absolutely reuse to get talked to like that when i'm working my arse off for free as a gift to them. I had even agreed to get the living room done this week and now i've refused unless i'm given a apology, which i might add i know i wont get cause this particular person is more stubborn than i am. Am i being too harsh?
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